Chaptet 31

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*Short Lemon*

The rest of camp went by in a flash, the days were filled with fun and the nights filled with laughs and good food. It made you sad to wake up on the last morning, knowing everyone would be going their separate ways for awhile. Ushi had stayed the last few days with you, and surprisingly was friendly to the other guys. It wasn't like he had deep conversations with them, but he would exchange a kind word and always participated in any stupid game someone decided to play.

The only time things got a little out of hand was when Hinata had suggested playing volleyball. The teams were quickly formed and the competition grew heated. The trash talk and aggressive spikes started to get crazy and Ukai stepped in putting a stop to it. No one asked to play volleyball again after that.

Today everyone woke up early and began to pack and break down the tents. The company you rented the outdoors equipment from showed up and started to load the tents, atv's and everything else into their truck. The guys helped Ushi load up the bedding stuff he had brought for you, planning to take it back home. When everything was loaded the sadness really hit you, this had been such a wonderful week and you were not excited it was ending.

The guys didn't seem happy either, worry of the upcoming tournament was at the forefront of everyone's mind. The vacation had been a nice reprieve for them, taking their minds away from the worry.

"Alright I better head out" Ushi said catching your attention.

"Okay, thank you so much for staying to hangout. I hope you had fun" you said flashing him a smile.

"Any time spent with you is fun" he gave you a genuine smile and pulled you in for a hug. "Come see me soon okay? My mom misses you" he said with a shrug.

"Okay I will, promise!" you raised onto your toes, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled down at you, taking in the curves of your face. He gave your forehead a quick kiss and turned to get into his truck. Everyone then gathered and started to load onto the bus. Once everyone was seated you stood at the front wanting to say a few words.

"If I could have everyone's attention for a second" you called out, everyone stopped talking. "I just wanted to thank everyone for coming on this trip, I really had a lot of fun getting to know you more. I really wanted to do something nice for all of you because I know how hard you've been training and its really showing in the way that you play. Now lets go home, because you all stink" you joked laughing.

"We are not the only ones" Tanaka teased.

"I don't know what you mean, I smell fantastic!" you held your hand to your chest, acting like you were offended.

"Yes you do" Ukai said quietly, standing very close behind you.

"Like L/N said, you guys have been working hard and deserved this trip. When we get back though its game on, some of your competition is sitting here right next to you. Lets go home, start training and show them what Karasuno can do" Ukai said pumping everyone up. The Karasuno boys cheered loudly, making Kuroo roll his eyes playfully, Bokuto cheered with them which made you laugh.

"NOW SIT DOWN AND SHUTUP, IT'S A LONG DRIVE HOME" Ukai shouted and turned to sit back down in the driver's seat.

You looked around at the empty seats and decided to take the one by Kuroo.

"I was hoping you would come sit by me" he said wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

"My choices were limited" you teased.

"Wow, thanks for making me feel special" he laughed, lightly poking your side.

He turned resting his back against the window and pulled you towards him. You rested your head and upper back against his chest, sinking down and stretching out across the seat. He grabbed his jacket throwing it over your body, you dug your headphone out of your bag, handing him one and placing the other in your ear. Your turned on your favorite Spotify channel and closed your eyes relaxing to the soft rhythm of Kuroo breathing.

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