Daichi final

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*Trigger warning, towards the end there are some heavy themes having to do with Daichi's job, death of children and self-harm so be warned*

"Babe!!!!" Daichi shouted as he jumped through the front door, his heart pounding loudly.

"What?!" You jumped surprised from his sudden outburst.

"I did it..." he said, his hands were shaking and his face somber until he broke out into the biggest grin you had ever seen.

"You did it??" you said covering your mouth in surprise.

"I freaking did it" he laughed. "I'm officially a Detective starting tomorrow" he said but still didn't believe his own words. It had been years of hard work to get to this point, he had to do supplemental classes, put in more hours than anyone else and had many sleepless nights. this was his third time trying to become a Detective but the first two hadn't worked out due to his lack of experience and the second he ended up having to miss classes due to you having complications with your second child being born.

"I knew you could do it" you said as happy tears began to stream down your cheeks. His emotions finally started to spill out and he rushed toward you pulling you into a bear hug. His body had changed a lot over the last few years and he had grown to be more bulky but he still fit so perfectly against your body, like two puzzle pieces destined to fit together. You could hear his heart pounding from excitement and you knew in that moment that the last few years of struggle had been worth it. 

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He had pushed himself hard and at times it had been a struggle because he was just so tired and occupied that some things had fallen to the back burner

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He had pushed himself hard and at times it had been a struggle because he was just so tired and occupied that some things had fallen to the back burner. For awhile you were concerned you would be that thing that got left behind but Daichi had proved over and over that he was not that man. He had always made his family the priority, he would get a second wind the moment he walked inside your shared home and was in husband/dad mode. He never failed to show up to one of your events, whether it be a gaming competition at a convention or joining a live show with fellow creators. If it was a time when he would have to stay home with the children he would play the live feed on the biggest TV and watch it with the children. He was also an amazing dad, he always had energy for cuddle fights, pillow forts and losing not so gracefully at video games. You had oddly lucked out with one boy and one girl, the boy being the first born, his name was Yohan and then your daughter was Miya. 

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