Chapter 42

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The train ride home was excruciatingly long, but the feeling of Ukai's lips on yours kept your brain occupied. He had surprised you with the kiss and even though quick it had been exhilarating. Your brain had taken the small kiss and made it into quite the scene in your brain which probably wasn't a good idea whilst on a busy train.

When you got off the second train which stopped only a few blocks from your house you were hit with a surprising amount of nerves. You didn't know these two guys who were coming to stay with you, not their age, their names or even what they were like. What if they were total assholes or perverts? Your mom had said that they were nice boys but people normally put their best foot forward when it comes to meeting their elders so that doesn't mean anything.

Your hands were slightly shaking as you turned onto your street, your home now in view. You took a deep breath before opening the front gate and walking up the path to the front door. On the porch sat two boys, who looked to be roughly your age. One had blonde hair while the other had grey but otherwise they were identical. The each sat with a bag at their feet, scrolling through their phone to where they didn't even notice you approaching.

"Unless your selling cookies I'm not interested" you joked making them each jump at your sudden voice.

"Jesus Beautiful you nearly gave me a heart attack!" the blonde one said as he stood to his feet, adjusting his jacket.

"My names actually y/n, and I'm sorry I scared you!" you laughed extending your hand to shake his. He took your hand in his but turned it so your knuckles were up and kissed them lightly.

"It's a pleasure, I'm Atsumu and this is my brother Osamu" he said jabbing his thumb towards his brother.

"It's nice to meet both of you" you said pulling your hand away from Atsumu and wiping it off on your shirt. "If you want to come in I'll show you around and then I'll order some food" you said stepping around them and unlocking the front door.

They followed you inside and took off their shoes by the front door, you quickly showed them the kitchen, bathroom, game room and guest bedrooms.

"You can either sleep in here which is my parents bedroom, that way you have an actual bed. The other option would be sleeping in the other guest rooms on a mat, I do have to warn you though I'm having guests over tonight and they will also be sleeping in there. You can also have the couch or outside if one of those options don't work for you" you said eyeballing them carefully.

"You mean we already have to share you? I was hoping for some alone time" Atsumu said wiggling his eyebrows.

"In your dreams blondie!" you laughed.

"What a sweet dream that would be" he said with a devious smile. Osamu used his foot to push hard at the back of his brothers knee making him fall to the ground. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR??" he yelled.

"For being rude when we are guests, now shut up and pick where you want to sleep" Osamu said glaring at his brother annoyed. "I'm going to take the bed if that's okay with you, I'm not big on crowds" he gave you a quick bow and went to put his things in your parents bedroom.

"Now that he is gone how about you show me to your bedroom?" Atsumu asked scrambling up off the ground.

"I would suggest you cool it with the flirting or my friends are not going to take very kindly to you. My bed is also taken by someone much cuter than you" you said pinching his cheek. "Now pick a place to sleep and then you can both meet me in the kitchen so we can order food so that its here by the time my friends get here" you said walking away.

"I'll win you over, just you wait sweet-cheeks!" he called after you, you couldn't help but smile at his boldness.

The boys took a few minutes to unpack a few of their things and change into a simple pair of shorts and a t-shirt. They finally made their way to the kitchen and took a seat at one of the few barstools next to the island.

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