Bokuto 1

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"I love......... Bokuto" you said letting the name roll off your tongue.

"Nope try again" Tanaka said closing your eyes again.

"Pst stop it" you said swatting his hand away. "What's wrong with Bokuto?" you asked confused.

"I mean nothing really but I just don't get it" Tanaka said slightly annoyed.

"I feel like anyone other than Daichi you wont understand" you said laughing and shaking your head.

"We warned you" Noya said shrugging.

"I guess that's fair but can you maybe put that aside for now and help me figure out how to tell him?" you asked.

"Do I have to?" Tanaka asked pretending to be serious.

"Yes unless you don't want to be my friend anymore, I'm sure Saeko would be happy to replace you" you offered knowing it would trigger him.

"Okay fine I'll help" he muttered under his breath and crossing his arms.

"Do you have any ideas?" Noya asked.

"Well Bo is so energetic and spontaneous so I was trying to think of something fitting. We already got matching tattoos so that's out though" you rubbed your chin thinking as you spoke.

"Tattoo's? WAIT YOU GOT A TATTOO??????" Noya yelled his eyes opening wide in surprise.

"Oh yea I sort of forgot to tell you guys" you said laughing, you pulled up your sleeve revealing the tattoo.

"How did you get this?" Noya said grabbing your arm and yanking it towards him.

"Bo's relative is a tattoo artist so he hooked us up as a favor" you explained.

"That's badass!" Tanaka exclaimed.

"Anyways back to ideas!" you said pulling your sleeve back down.

"Okay what about......... yea I've got nothing" Noya shrugged.

"I've got an idea, hold on" you grabbed your phone and quickly called one of the first names listed.

"Hello?" a sleepy voice said after a few rings.

"Hi Akaashi, I'm so sorry to bother you but I needed your help for a minute" you said feeling bad for waking him haven forgotten the time.

"Anything Darling" he said sounding slightly concerned.

"I need some advice on how to tell Koutarou that I'm in love with him" you said quickly, feeling nervous about admitting your feelings.

"That makes me happy to hear, and I've got the perfect idea. I'll text you the details, now get some sleep Darling, it's very late" he said with a small yawn.

"Okay Keiji, sleep tight good looking" you said playfully and made kissy noises in the phone. He laughed before making one back before hanging up.

"You trying to have his best friend too?" Tanaka teased.

"I can damn sure try" you said with a big laugh.

"Can we go to bed now?" Noya asked yawning.

"Oh yea it's pretty late" you got up and all three of you quickly changed and crawled into bed falling asleep in a tangled mess of arms and legs.

You slept soundly until all three of your morning alarms started going off. Everyone sighed deeply knowing that they hadn't gotten enough sleep. Crawling out of bed you all got dressed and hurried to the school for morning practice. School had been out the last few days but the team still needed to practice due to nationals being only a week away.

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