Chapter 22

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"I'm going to take you right here, so you better be quiet so he doesn't find us" he whispered. He took your hands pinning them against the wall above your head. The tile of the shower wall was cold against your hot skin.

His lips found yours in the darkness, his kisses were sloppy and filled with hunger. His hands slid down your sides to your shorts, pushing them down along with your panties. He used his knee to separate your legs then pulled his lips away from yours. His arms went between your open legs, his hands placed firmly on your ass and he lifted you high into the air. Your legs dangling over his shoulders, back firmly places against the wall with his face between your legs.

You gasped slightly at how high you were "Don't worry baby owl, I won't drop you. Now just stay quiet for me" he said smiling and burying his face between your legs. Small moans began to escape your lips as his tongue made rapid circles around your nub. You clamped one hand over your mouth to stay quiet, the other weaving into his messy spikey hair. He looked up making eye contact with you, pulling away he licked his lips. Gripping the back of his head you pushed him back in, he released a low growl and started using his tongue to drive you crazy again.

The lights suddenly flicked on and both of you froze. "Hello?" someone called.

"Its Akaashi" Bokuto mouthed.

"I know I heard someone in here" Akaashi said "I'm supposed to report to Tanaka if I find someone, so might as well come out". You motioned for Bokuto to put you down but he shook his head no.

"Its me Akaashi" Bokuto called out. "I'm a bit busy at the moment, could you maybe pretend to find me again later?" he asked.

"How could you be busy? Wait are you doing what I think your doing?" Akaashi asked. "Really Bokuto, that's disgusting".

"Its not like that Akaashi!" Bokuto whispered harshly.

"I just don't see why you couldn't do it more privately, maybe when people are asleep and not looking for you boke" Akaashi said shaking his head.

You had to bite your lip to keep from laughing, Bokuto looked so flustered. Akaashi clearly didn't know you were in there which is why he was accusing Bo of being disgusting.

"I'm going to give you five minutes and then you better be done" Akaashi said sighing.

"I'll need longer than that" he said in response.

"I swear... fine ill give you ten minutes. I'm going to wait at the end of the hall, make sure you wash your hands before coming out" Akaashi said turning off the light and walking out of the room.

Bokuto slowly lowered you to the ground and stripped naked. "Hurry we only have 10 minutes" he said sliding your shirt up and off. He gathered the discarded clothes and tossed them across the room, he reached out turning the water on. His hand grabbed yours pulling you under the water.

His lips found yours once again, his kisses more gentle and sensual this time. His hands tangled into your wet messy hair and he pulled slightly, you parted your lips releasing a small moan. He slipped his tongue in, fighting for dominance with yours. His hands became needy, freeing themselves from your hair, traveling your body, kneading and squeezing. You could feel his excitement against your stomach, he quickly flipped you around placing your hands firmly against the wall.

He laid gentle kisses down your spine, making you arch your back and moan. A quick hard smack then came to your ass and he grabbed both cheeks aggressively. He took his member smacking it against your ass a few times before lining up with your entrance. Taking a deep breath he slowly slid in, biting his lip to hold in a moan.

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