Chapter 30

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You could feel all eyes on you as you walked back towards the camp, you tried to keep your legs from noticeably shaking. You hurried into your tent and zipped it shut behind you and hurried to your bed collapsing on top of it. It wasn't long till you heard footsteps outside and Ushijima let himself into your tent, coming in and sitting beside you on the bed.

"Will you just talk to me?" he asked, a hint of annoyance in his tone. You rolled over onto your back and looked at him.

"I don't want to hurt anyone Ushi, I love having fun with you and being your friend, but I don't want a relationship with you again. If I'm being honest with myself I'm already fighting feelings for someone else..." you groaned looking up at the roof of the tent.

"None of them are worthy of you, maybe if they went to Shiratorizawa id think differently." He said sternly. You couldn't stop your eyes from rolling, he always thought anyone who didn't go to his school wasn't worthy. Granted his school was a powerhouse and he was well known for his skills, but that didn't mean others were less talented.

"You really are such a pain, you know that?" you said shaking your head.

"I just know what you deserve" he said meeting his eyes with yours.

"Yet you always put volleyball ahead of me, and I get it I really do. You have amazing talent, and I couldn't be more proud of the future you've set up for yourself. I need someone who is willing to make a future with me, not someone who expects me to be on the sidelines till their ready. I could've been your biggest support, I would've come to every game, cheered the loudest for you and helped you in any way I could. You didn't want that though, you said I would be a distraction, you only made time for me when you wanted to, and it nearly ruined our friendship being in a relationship. That's why friends with benefits is what works best for us, its both just whenever were free. There are no strings attached, I don't have to cry every time you cancel a date for extra practice or sit up waiting for you all night to call like you promised." Your voice slightly raised as you ranted at him.

Your words struck him deep, he hadn't even noticed that he had treated you that way. Volleyball had always been his focus and he did tend to put other things on the back burner, but he never thought of you that way. He sat in deep thought, thinking of the many times he had in fact cancelled last minute on you, the many times he had told you he would call but came home only to fall asleep after a hard workout.

"I'm sorry" he said quietly glancing down at his hands.

"You don't need to apologize, I forgave you a long time ago. You have been one of my closest allies and I'm so happy with what we are now. This works for us" you said motioning between the two of you. "So please stop trying to screw it up" you chuckled. He looked back at you, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Ill stop, as long as you make me one promise" he said.

"Okay what is it?" you asked.

"If you do decide to start dating again and it doesn't workout with whoever it is" he motioned to outside the tent "promise me you will give me another chance to show you I can be a man worthy of you" his tone was sincere and made your heart flutter.

"I promise" you sat up and scooted close to him wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Can I still stay and hangout for the next few days?" he asked.

"Of course, but please don't start any trouble, and I still want you to apologize and I'll ask that Kuroo does as well" he gave you a quick nod and leaned in giving you a kiss. You crawled off the bed and onto your feet, extending him your hand "Lets go get this awkward situation over with" you said with a smile. He took your hand in his and followed you out of the tent.

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