Chapter 41

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The Dr made Daichi rest for a bit before he could return to the court. When he was finally released the two of you left and made your way back towards the team. You were walking and chatting when a tall bedhead approached looking rather glum.

"Hey man, glad to see your okay" Kuroo said with a half-smile, he extended his hand towards Daichi.

"Thanks, looks worse than it is" Daichi chuckled and shook Kuroo's hand. Kuroo looked at you and stood there awkwardly for a minute before clearing his throat.

"Can we take that walk now?" He asked.

"Of course. I'll come find you guys in a bit, get back to the team before they lose it in there" you joked squeezing Daichis hand before letting go and following Kuroo. Daichi watched as you walked away, a pang of jealousy twisting his stomach in knots.

The walk with Kuroo was quiet, the two of you strolled along the outside of the large arena hand in hand. The breeze was nice and you were thankful for that, after the stress of seeing Daichi hurt it felt nice to breathe fresh air.

"You okay?" Kuroo asked breaking the silence.

"Yes?" you asked looking at him confused.

"You seemed really freaked when he got hurt, I've never seen that look on your face, freaked me out" he explained, he looked forward and his face was tense.

"I'm sorry I worried you, I think fear just took over and my brain was focused on one thing. I didn't mean to leave you, thank you for being patient and waiting for me" you stopped walking and turned towards him.

"I just wonder if you would react that same way if it was me that got hurt" you could hear the jealousy in his voice, and his words were filled with insecurities.

"Are you joking??? Of course I would!" You said in a raised voice. "I probably would've jumped from the balcony just to be to you sooner, don't be an idiot!"

"I was only joking don't get upset!" he laughed shaking his head, you could tell he was lying but decided not to press the subject further.

"Maybe being a comedian isn't the job for you because you are not all that funny" you said rolling your eyes.

"So pretty even when your mad, it kills me" He said playfully pulling you by your hand towards him. He leaned down to give you a kiss but froze when your phone started ringing.

"Uggghhhhhh hold on" you groaned fishing it out of your pocket "Its my mom" you said as you slid the talk button. "Hello?" you asked annoyed.

"Hello honey, I was calling to see where you are?" she asked.

"I told you we have more games today, trying to get into Nationals remember?" you asked annoyed.

"Oh yes the silly volleyball stuff. Well never mind that I need you to go home, those guests I told you about are on their way." She explained.

"You said it was supposed to be next week!" you complained.

"Yes well plans changed and they needed to clear out sooner, so I need you to go home and make them comfortable. Hurry now, no arguing" she said before ending the phone call.

"Everything okay?" Kuroo asked.

"No I need to go home, those guys are coming today apparently not next week so I've gotta go get them settled. I need to go see the guys real quick before I leave, guess we will have to take the train, unless you would rather go to your home tonight?" you asked.

"I think I might need to, need some clean clothes and all. I will just call you later okay?" he leaned in and kissed your cheek before walking off.

"Damnit" you cursed under your breath watching him walk away. You knew he had to be hurt about the whole Daichi situation but it couldn't be helped right now so you made your way into the gym to find the team.

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