Chapter 21

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Today was the last day of training camp and everyone began to stir getting ready for the day. The sound of soft snores in your ear made you smile, slowly opening your eyes you looked to see Bokuto snuggled into your shoulder. He had begged for you to sleep next to him at least once before camp was over so even though nervous due to the dream incident you let him have his wish.

Reaching over you ruffled his hair trying to wake him, he peeked one eye open and groaned, burying his face further into your shoulder. You knew he was going to be a pain to wake up, most of the boys were at this point. It had been a long week of hard training from dusk till dawn for them, and most of them were showing signs of just how tired they were.

"Bo we gotta get up" you coo'd nudging him with your shoulder.

"No" he grumbled. "I'm too tired, we just sleep all day".

"Akaashi help me please" you said sticking your hand straight in the air. Akaashi walked over grabbing your arm and pulled you up out of Bokuto's arms. He pulled you tight against his chest which you then realized was bare.

"Give her back!" Bokuto yelled sitting up trying to catch your other arm. Akaashi quickly turned you away putting himself in between the two of you.

"Not gonna happen, I think ill just keep her to myself today. Would you like that Darling?" He asked.

"Well actually I have plans today, I've got to help the managers with something. But before that" you cleared your throat "Can I have everyone's attention real quick?" you stepped out of Akaashi's hold and everyone turned towards you.

"What is it Kitten?" Kenma said barely above a whisper.

"So I have a surprise for you guys that starts tomorrow after we leave camp. That doesn't mean you have to come because I'm sure some of you have other plans. I just wanted to do something nice for you is all but its not a big deal if you cant make it" you said.

"Will you stop rambling and just spit it out already" Tsukki said chuckling.

"Will someone hit him for me?" you glared at him, Daichi reached out smacking him in the back of the head which made you smile. "Thank you daddy" you froze for a second "Daichi! I s-swear I meant Daichi!" a heavy blush covered your cheeks and Daichi winked at you. "Well this is awkward now, anyways I'm just going to push past that. I have planned a week long vacation for us all! I've arranged for us to go on a camping trip, the coaches have cleared everything with your parents and I'm having everything dropped off that we will need at the camp grounds. Its going to be a week full of fun and relaxation so I hope at least some of you will join me" you gave everyone a big dazzling smile, they just stared at you in shock for a few seconds.

"So we will be sleeping in tents and stuff?" Noya asked.

"That is what camping means Noya" Hinata explained. Everyone burst out laughing at his very simple answer.

"Again you guys don't have to come but I promise to make it as fun as can be" you said, you were nervous nobody would want to come.

Daichi looked at the team who all gave him a simple nod "All of us are in" he said shooting you a smile.

"Most of us are in" Kuroo said.

"Same for us" Akaashi added.

"You already knew I was in! im ready to feed you smores and to see that sexy body in a bathing suit" Bokuto said wiggling his eyebrows. Kuroo reached over smacking him hard in the back of the head.

"Keep this up and you will be lucky to ever see another day" Kuroo joked.

Bokuto looked at Kuroo and smirked, he turned back towards you wiggling his bottom lip as if he was trying to hold back tears. He walked over planting his face between your breast and wrapped his arms around your waist.

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