Chapter 23

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Sleeping next to Tsukki was much different, the room was very quiet and everyone seemed on edge. You could feel everyones eyes on the two of you, making falling asleep that much harder. Excitement for the following week was also making sleep a struggle. You finally dozed off late into the night and morning came quickly.

You launched out of bed, excitedly waking the boys so that everyone could pack and get on the road. They weren't as ready for the day as you were and it took a lot of effort to get a few of them out of bed. Kenma was the worst, he had stayed up late playing his video game and now wouldn't budge.

"Ken Ken, please wake up" you pleaded laying down on the ground next to him. He grunted pulling the covers closer to his chin, scooting closer you tried again "Pretty please???" you asked.

He made a quick movement lifting the cover and pulled you underneath next to him in one swift action. Snuggling his head into your chest, he wrapped his arms around your back holding you tightly.

"Stay..... Kitty.... Please" he mumbled in his half asleep state.

"Fine but only for a few minutes" you chuckled and nuzzled into his hair.

About an hour later everyone was up and packed and ready to load the buses. The entire Karasuno team was going on the trip with you, along with Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Bokuto and Akaashi. The rest of the other teams had other plans for the remaining time off from school.

"Okay Everyone this bus is for us so let's get loaded up and head out, we have a bit of a drive ahead of us" Ukai said patting the side of the bus before getting in and taking the driver's seat.

"Would you like to sit with me?" Hinata excitedly ran up to ask.

"Actually she is sitting with me, sorry Hinata" Daichi came up taking your hand in his.

"Oh am i? I didn't remember making that decision" you teased.

He laughed and guided you towards the bus, he found a seat towards the back letting you sit by the window. Everyone else quickly filled up the other seats fighting over who got to sit on all sides of you, Tanaka and Noya won the seat behind, Bokuto and Akaashi won the seat in front and Suga and Asahi took the seat beside you ignoring the many complaints from the others. The bus soon set off towards the camp site and everyone settled into the somewhat long drive.

"Did you have fun at the training camp?" Daichi asked to start a conversation.

"Yes actually, it was a lot of fun and I feel like I learned a lot about our future opponents" you smiled.

"Good we can use all the help we can get" he sighed. You rested your head on his shoulder, he took your hand in his lacing his fingers with yours. You both sat quietly for awhile, enjoying watching the scenery change from a busy city to rolling farm lands.

"Hey Daichi?" you asked.

"Oh its Daichi now? I thought you had changed it to Daddy" He joked.

You leaned up and lightly punched his arm "Shutup! That was an accident I swear!" you said laughing.

"Well feel free to make that accident again, just preferably when were alone so I can do something about it. You have no idea how hard it was to keep myself under control, I wanted to have you right then and there" he said running his eyes down your body.

"You can call me Daddy too" Bokuto said turning around in his seat and peering over the back of the seat down at you. Everyone laughed and Akaashi grabbed the back of his shirt pulling him back down into his seat.

"Sit down and shutup Bokuto" Akaashi said shaking his head.

"But why??? I want to talk to my Baby owl too" He pouted crossing his arms and looking out the window.

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