Ushijima 1

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"I love........ Ushijima" you breathed out.

"I think you said the wrong name try again" Tanaka said shaking his head.

"What's the point in doing this exercise if your just going to tell me I'm wrong unless I pick who you want?" you lightly scolded.

"Sorry, your right" he said raising his hands in defense.

"So the mighty Ushiwaka huh?" Noya asked.

"I think it's always been him, I think the first time was just the wrong timing. Both of us have grown a lot and have changed and I really believe it will work out this time" you said trying to reassure yourself.

"And if it doesn't? What if he chooses volleyball over you again?" Noya asked, you knew he was just trying to make you think but you started to feel defensive.

"That's not going to happen" you said harshly.

"Okay I was just asking" he said in a much softer tone. "I just don't want you to get hurt, and I couldn't beat him up if he messed up" he said trying to lighten the mood.

"I know Noya, I'm sorry" you said feeling bad for overreacting.

"So now that you've chosen how are you going to tell him?" he asked.

"Well he is a bit old school so I need something that fits with that" you said pondering out loud.

"How about inviting him over for a meal?" Tanaka asked.

"I think id be too nervous to cook, what about a picnic? I could make simple finger food and take him to a nice park?" you offered unsure.

"That's a great idea!" they both said to encourage you.

"Okay perfect that's the plan then, I'll invite him to a picnic and tell him how I feel" you said excited.

With a plan in place the three of you crawled into bed and fell asleep within minutes. The next morning they left for practice and you messaged Ushijima to see if he was available. He quickly responded yes and that he would be by at 2pm to pick you up which made your heart race. You hurried to prepare the food and get everything packed into a whicker basket and topped it with a blanket for the ground. It was then time to get ready and you knew exactly what to wear, digging through your closet you found the perfect dress and got dressed.

At 2pm sharp a knock came at the door, taking a deep breath you hurried to answer it. You were once again greeted with an abundance of flowers to where you couldn't even see the beautiful man holding them.

"Hello Honey" he said smiling and moving the flower to the side.

"Hello Handsome" you said taking them from him and setting them on the nearby table.

"You look so beautiful" he awed as he took in your soft flowing hair and dress that hugged your figure nicely while not revealing a lot of skin.

"You look so beautiful" he awed as he took in your soft flowing hair and dress that hugged your figure nicely while not revealing a lot of skin

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