Chapter 44

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Every breath you took was filled with the smell of vanilla, it made you stir hungry for dessert. When you opened your eyes you realized your were cuddled into Ukai's chest, the smell was coming from his shirt. He was still soundly asleep, his hair was disheveled and falling in front of his eyes only making him more adorable. You had the urge but didn't want to wake him so you tilted your head up and gently placed a kiss on the underside of his chin. His eyelid twitched slightly at your kiss and he began to slowly blink and open his eyes.

He looked down at you and gently stroked his fingers down the side of your face, he thin slid them along your jaw ending at the tip of your chin. He leaned in slowly and placed his lips against your in a sweet kiss.

"Good morning Princess" he whispered, his voice still deep from sleep.

"Morning handsome, how did you sleep?" you asked.

"That was the best I've slept in a long time actually" he said smiling down at you.

"Top 10 sleeps for sure" you said with a small chuckle. "I better get up though need to get food ready for everyone so we can win again today" you propped up on one elbow and glanced at both sides of you trying to decide the best way to get off the bed.

"Crawl over me" Ukai said rolling onto his back and putting his arms behind his head. He had a cheesy smile on his face as he motioned with his eyes. In one swift motion you pushed up from the bed and landed in his lap with a knee placed on either side of his hip. Your hand slid under the rim of his shirt and rested on his abs for balance. Leaning forward you brought your lips within inches of his but then swung your leg off the bed and stood to your feet.

"Thanks for letting me up" you said with a teasing smile.

"Can we just go back to you being on top of me, I'd like to burn that image into my mind for later" he said sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling you by your hips closer to him.

"Problem is we have company and I don't want to traumatize poor Tsukki" you said glancing over his shoulder at the grumpy sleeping blonde.

"They say dying in your sleep is peaceful" he joked as he also looked over his shoulder.

"Keishin! That's not nice" you said gently swatting his arm.

"I'm only joking, but I've gotta say its never been so tempting" he chuckled. He nuzzled into the crook of your neck and lightly bit at the sensitive skin. You had to fight the urge to moan but your body jerked automatically and pressed closer to him. "Like that huh? I'll have to keep that in mind" he said as he kissed the same spot.

"Stop teasing me, I need to go cook" you said pulling back slightly from him.

"Let's just order food so you can stay here with me longer" he pulled you back up against him and rested his hands on your butt after giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Someone woke up needy this morning" you said teasing him. "I need to make a call then, can you let me go for a minute?" you asked.

"I think I forgot how, I'll just have to come with you" he said shaking his head no with a goofy grin on his face.

"Well come on then lover boy" you lightly laughed as you reached for your phone on the night stand. He kept his arms wrapped around your waist and waddled behind you out onto the balcony. You quickly found a number in your phone and hit call.

"Good Morning Mrs Elaine, I'm sorry to bother you this early but I was calling to see if you might be available this morning? I know its last second and obviously I will compensate you accordingly" you said. Ukai wasn't sure who you were talking to and couldn't understand what they were saying on the other end. "Yes its for about 20 people. If that's not possible I understand I can just call someone local. You can do it? Oh great thank you so much, just let yourself in like always. Thank you see you shortly" you said ending the conversation.

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