Chapter 27

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(Picture has a few extra characters but was closest i could find for paintball!)

"Okay boys here are the rules" you stood in front of them with a paintball gun playfully resting on your hip. "We are going to split into 2 teams, if you get hit with the opposite teams paint you are out. Last person alive on the winning team gets a prize of his or her choice" you said flashing them an evil grin. "One by one reach into the bag Ukai is holding to draw out the color team you are on." You motioned for Ukai to come stand beside you.

The boys quickly rushed up each shoving their hand into the bad grabbing out either a red or blue bandana. A few of them high fived and started talking strategy once they realized they were on the same team. The blue team was made up of Bokuto, Akaashi, Daichi, Tanaka, Noya, Kageyama, Kinoshita, Lev, Yamamoto and Konoha. Team red was Kuroo, Kenma, Hinata, Yamaguchi, Tsukki, Enoshita, Sugawara, Asahi, Narita and Yaku.

"So as you might notice I'm not going to pick a team, I am my own team and I will be working on getting people from both teams out. You now have 2 minutes to run, hide, climb, or whatever it is you want to do. After those 2 minutes its game on" you aimed the paintball gun towards their feet releasing several paintballs flying "NOW GO!" you shouted.

The boys took off in every direction, scattering like roaches. Ukai couldn't hold his laugh anymore, the look on the boys terrified faces as you shot near their feet was hilarious.

"I think you honestly scared some of them" he laughed out.

"Good, that's half the fun!" you smiled.

"So who are you going after once the 2 minutes are over?" he asked after getting himself back together.

"Oh no one, I'm just going to wait here for when the winner shows up and then get him out." You said nonchalantly shrugging.

"That's either brilliant or cheating but I like it" he said flashing you a smile. "So what should we do while we wait?" he asked.

"Good question, how about you follow me back to my place" You said winking, he playfully shook his head following after you towards the tents.

(Switch to the blue team)

"PSSSSTTTT!!! AKAASHI!!!" Bokuto whispered very loudly, he had climbed up into one of the trees and was perched on one of the lower limbs.

"What Bokuto?" Akaashi asked annoyed, poking his head out from behind the neighboring tree.

"How do I know when it's been 2 minutes????" Bokuto asked.

"It's called a cellphone dumbass" he replied shaking his head.

*Switch to red team*

"Why did I agree to play this?" Kenma asked, looking very annoyed with his sleepy cat eyes.

"Because y/n asked us too, and I'm pretty sure we would do anything she asks at this point" Kuroo said with a chuckle.

"Shoyo why do you look so pale?" Kenma asked looking worriedly at Hinata.

"I'm just a l-little n-nervous is all... I've never played paintball before" he said, his body noticeably shaking.

"Its not so bad, it'll sting a bit if one hits you but I promise you'll be okay" Kuroo said giving him a supportive pat on the back "Just stick with me and you'll be fine" as Kuroo finished his statement, several blue balls of paint burst as they hit the ground and tree near the boys. Kuroo ducked behind the tree leaving the others in the line of fire, Kenma and Hinata dropped their weapons and yelled out in unison.

"We give up!" they raised their arms slightly in the air signaling their surrender.

Tanaka popped out from behind a tree hitting them both in the stomach with a paintball "Sorry! couldn't take any chances" he laughed out running away with Noya right behind.

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