Oikawa ending 1 (and only)

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*Slight spoiler alert ahead (just telling you what Oikawa does as a future job)

"I love....... Oikawa" you said letting the name escape from your lips.

"There you go....WAIT WHAT?" The guys said in horrified unison.

"I don't know, I just did what you said and thats who came to mind" you were even confused my your choice and sat there biting your lip reconsidering.

"It just didn't work, try it again" Noya suggested frantically.

"Ugh fine" you closed your eyes again but his face was the only thing you could see. His fluffy brown hair and soft eyes, his Cheshire cat like smile that you knew meant trouble.

"Is it working?" Tanaka asked hesitantly.

"Nope, it's still Oikawa" you said opening your eyes and shaking your head.

"But why?" Tanaka asked his tone harsh.

"I wish that I could explain it to you, trust me. Maybe it's the way he constantly pushed to get me to like him, he is so used to having girls bow at his feet that I don't think he knew how to handle me. But that night when he asked me to give him a chance it really felt sincere and it warmed my heart. He behaved himself so well when he stayed with all of you guys and he really tried to be good. I know you don't like him because of his arrogance but if you really knew how hard he worked you wouldn't feel that way." You tried explaining.

"So now what?" Noya asked in a softer tone.

"Now I have to tell him how I feel, and tell everyone else also...." You hesitated after saying those words realizing even further what you had to do.

"Do you think you can do that?" Tanaka said his anger subsiding as he saw the fear cross your face.

"Nope, I'm just going to move and change my number, that will be a lot easier" you said changing your mind.

"I'd rather you be with freaking Oikawa than leave and never speak to you again!" He exclaimed the anger coming back in his tone.

"But how do I do this???" You asked the fear in your voice evident.

"One step at a time, just figure out how you want to tell Oikawa first" Noya suggested.

"I'm just gonna call him" you pulled your phone from the nightstand and dialed his number.

"WAIT! It's 2am should you really be-" Noya started but was cut off by a sleepy Oikawa answering the phone.

"Hey Lil-cutie, is everything okay?" He asked through a yawn.

"Yes sorry I didn't realize what time it was, I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to dinner with me tomorrow?" You offered.

"Of course!" He said in a much more perky voice.

"Great dress nice and pick me up tomorrow at 7" you instructed before hanging up.

"There done" you said refocusing on the guys.

"Good we can worry about the rest later, let's go to sleep now" Noya said yawning after every few words.

You got out of bed and quickly changed, and got back in bed under the covers. The guys filled in on each side of you, Tanaka resting his head on your shoulder and Noya resting on your chest. The three of you were asleep withing minutes and it was almost peaceful other than the lingering anxiety.

The boys had to leave early the next morning for practice and you heavily debated on going but knew that people would have questions that you just weren't ready to answer.

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