Chapter 20

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Everyone spread out into a large circle, you ended up sitting with Kuroo on one side and Tanaka on the other. You decided to start the game off, hoping to help control the way it plays out a bit.

"Okay let's see" you scanned the room trying to decide "hmmm Suga! Truth or Dare?" he pondered his answer for a second.

"truth" he said smiling.

"Okay who do you think is the weakest player in this room?" you asked.

"I don't want to answer that and hurt someone feelings" he said frowning.

"I promise no one will get upset" Noya said encouraging him to answer.

"Well..... I would say Hinata but his quick attack has helped us a lot so I would have to say Yamaguchi. I don't know the other teams so well to know who is really weak, if I had to choose from another team though id probably pick Kenma. Don't get my wrong Kenma you are a very talented player but I don't think your stamina is very good, and I notice you really don't go for the ball unless you have to" his face was flushed and he mumbled out the words.

Kenma simply shrugged which made everyone laugh. "Geez Suga, didn't have to come for him like that" you teased.

"Whatever you made me do that! Moving on, Akaashi truth or dare?" everyone directed their attention to him.

"Ill do truth also" Akaashi answered.

"Oh good" Suga smiled towards you, you knew what he was about to ask and you had never wished so hard to have laser beam eyes to burn him to a crisp. "What did you really think of y/n's dream?"

Akaashi couldn't help but smile at the evil glare you were giving Suga who was smiling sticking his tongue out at you. "I don't really know what to think seeing as I don't know what actually happened in the dream. All we really know is that I called her darling and that Bokuto and I were both there. I'm going to assume it was what we all think it was, and I'm just going to say I'm flattered." He answered very eloquently and shot you a smile. "My turn now, y/n, truth or dare?" he asked.

Your stomach dropped, you had a feeling what the truth question would be so thought it would be safer to go with dare "Dare please".

He smiled rather evilly "I dare you to tell us what happened in the dream".

"I didn't pick truth for a reason, I should've known you would ask about it either way." You groaned "Fine! I'm not going into to detail and you can't make me, but basically I came into the room where everyone was asleep, Bokuto woke up and pulled me into his bed and kissed me, you also began kissing me and well use your imaginations from there, okay?" you asked flustered.

"I don't have a very good imagination, I think I need a bit more" Bokuto teased.

"Not gonna happen! I'm going to ask Lev, truth or dare?" you asked turning towards him.

"Dare I guess.." he answered.

"I dare you to wear your clothes backwards for the rest of the game" you said laughing. He chuckled and stood up to turn everything around. His shirt was easy to flip around, but his shorts he had to take off to turn around. He dropped them down stepping out of them and everyone's eyes went rather large at his noticeable package. "Holy shit Lev, good for you!" you teased, he quickly slid his shorts up blushing.

"Sorry guys" he said under his breath.

"No need to apologize, you might have hurt a few ego's though! I'm honestly a little flustered" you said fanning yourself. "Its your turn to ask someone".

"Bokuto truth or dare?" he asked.

"Truth" He said bouncing from excitement.

"If you had to be on a different team whose would you choose?" Lev asked.

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