Chapter 50

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The light peeking through the curtains is what woke you up, Ukai was snoring lightly beside you. His hair had fallen over his eyes making him look more dreamy than normal. He mumbled something in his sleep but you couldn't understand, you leaned in trying to see if it would make it more clear.

"Mmmm....... Princess" he said in his dreamy state.

"You dream of me too? Oh Keishin, what am I going to do with you?" you swept his hair out of his face making him stir slightly.

"Bed" he said more clearly.

"Yes you stay in bed, I'm going to go order us some breakfast" you said giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Okay...... I love you" he said, his voice was still heavy with sleep but his words stopped you from moving another inch. Your eyes were wide in terror and you prayed you had heard him wrong, but he didn't say anything else for you to know if he was actually awake.

"Keishin are you awake?" you asked quietly, he adjusted slightly but didn't say anything. "I'll be back" you said and promptly got out of bed. Racing to get dressed you hurried outside into the elevator, the doors wouldn't close fast enough no matter how many times you hit the damn button and your anxiety was hitting its peak. The doors opened again on the 1st floor and it took everything in you not to sprint out the front doors, once outside though your feet set a pace of their own and you ran. You had no clue where you were going but several turns later you found a small park and collapsed onto a nearby bench.

Dropping your head into your hands you tried to get your breathing back under control but your anxiety kept making it spike leaving you breathless. Your mind was racing a million miles a minute and you just couldn't come to understand Ukai's words.

"How could he love me??" you groaned out.

His words didn't make sense, you hadn't spent all that much time alone yet he could have those types of feelings? Maybe it was just a habit for him to say those words before someone left home. Maybe he didn't mean it in a romantic way, could've just been a misunderstanding you thought. You knew that wasn't the case and that made the panic inside worse. It was going to be hard enough to eventually have to break the others hearts, knowing that they probably felt the same as Ukai, but to turn him down after saying something so precious would hurt even more.

With a heavy sigh you laid down on the bench and looked up into the beautiful blue sky above you. Seeing the clearness of the sky was almost instantly calming, bright skies meant happy days in story books. Could this be a happy day also? You would like to think so but you knew there would have to be a deep conversation first that you weren't sure you were ready for. Deciding to put it off a bit longer you laid there and watched the birds fly above, leaving their worries behind.

Not knowing how long you laid there you finally sat up and made your way back to the hotel, it took a lot longer to get back with not knowing the way. You stopped at the front desk and ordered food for the room and then made your way upstairs. When the elevator doors opened on your floor the panic tried to creep back in. With a heavy sigh you pushed yourself to walk out and to your room door, your hand rested on the knob not willing to turn it. Gathering yourself you opened it and walked into a distressed looking Ukai who was pacing in the small living room area.

"Y/n? Where the hell have you been?" he asked frustrated, he stormed over to you and pulled you tight into his arms.

"I'm sorry I just needed some air" you explained patting his back.

"It's been hours, I was worried sick" he said squeezing you tighter.

"I'm really okay, just lost track of time" you pulled back from him slightly and he loosened his grip.

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