Chapter 10

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Getting up you walked over to Daichi, sliding your fingers into the rim of the towel and pulled him towards the bed. You sat on the edge of the bed pulling him in between your legs. He gently tilted your head up and kissed your lips.

"So what did you have in mind for your reward for playing so well?" you asked.

"I play better than he does" you hear Kuroo say in your ear.

"Ive got a few ideas, but first let me get you out of these clothes." He started unbuttoning and sliding off your pants. "Its not fair that you ride motorcycles by the way, you are already far too sexy without that being added in, how am I supposed to ever control myself around you?" he teased.

"Did he say motorcycle? I need pictures of you on that, wearing those panties from the pool" Kuroo whispered.

Daichi made quick work of undressing you, then quickly scooped you up in his arms you wrapped your legs around his waist. Bringing his lips to yours he kissed you passionately, his tongue sliding around yours. His hands groped your ass, pulling you closer to his body. He moved to the wall pressing your back against it, he lifted one hand to his mouth licking his fingers. He ran the fingers over his tip and the lined himself with your entrance sliding in. Your breath caught in your throat, he was a tight fit. He started pumping in and out slowly letting you adjust.

"Damn I forgot how tight you are" Daichi grunted.

"I'll never forget that feeling, that or the feeling of your lips wrapped around me" Kuroo breathed out making you release a light moan. You could tell he was getting turned on which made everything more intense for you.

The sounds both of them were making were delicious.  Both moaning,  breath ragged, one turning you on with his voice the other with his body.

Daichi began to pickup pace, plunging his full length into you making your moans louder. His hands gripped your ass hard, pulling you into his thrust making him hit deeper than normal. His moans were deep and growly setting your body on fire. His pace never slowed but you could feel your body slip down the wall a bit. Pushing your body back up he leaned into you more pinning you against the wall more. You couldn't find anything to grab onto and you were sure his arms had to be tired after playing. You started to slip again so he pulled you closer to his body and carried you to the bed.

"Flip over" he said. You quickly did as he said flipping over and arching your back, he lined himself back up sliding in. This position always hit different and you couldn't help but moan as he slid in. Holding your hips he started pumping into you again. His thrusts were slower and controlled making you feel his full length. Reaching forward he entwined his fingers in your hair gently pulling.

"Oh fuc-" you moaned out.

"Mmmm Chibi-Chan talk dirty to me" Kuroo said, you could hear he was getting off to your sounds.

"That feels so good" you breathed out "harder baby" you moaned making Kuroo moan in response. Daichi picked up pace slamming into you and using his hands to push your back down making you arch more. You could feel the pleasure building and knew you wouldn't last much longer like this. He smacked your ass rather hard releasing a loud moan.

"Oh do you like that" Daichi asked. You moaned back. "Use your words" he said.

"Yes Captain" you breathed out. He growled smacking your ass again and pumping into you harder.

"Good girl" Kuroo whispered which sent you over the edge. Moaning loudly and gripping the sheets as the climax rocked your body leaving you breathless. Your noises sent Kuroo over the edge and he said your name as he came. Daichi smacked your ass again pumping into you a few more times before releasing onto your back. He stood there breathing hard for a few seconds before releasing your hips.

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