Tsukki 2

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An alarm woke you from sleep and you groaned heavily until you came to your senses enough to realize you were still cuddled against Tsukki. His hand moved from your lower back and tried to find his phone on the nightstand to turn the alarm off. He turned it off and then his finger gently stroked your cheek and tucked your hair behind your ear.

"Morning Shortcake" he said with a yawn.

"Morning Kei" you said tilting your face up towards him, his cheeks turned a light shade of red at the use of his first name.

"That's going to take some getting used too" he said with a light chuckle.

"I can stick with Tsukki-poo if you like that better" you teased.

"No definitely not" he chuckled.

"We better get up, I need to run home and shower before practice" you said moving to get up.

"Ummm wait...... you could shower here" he offered.

"That's sweet but I also don't have any clean clothes, wasn't really prepared for a sleepover" you joked. "Plus your family is still here, I doubt your mom would appreciate that" you explained.

"I'm just not ready for you to leave..." he confessed embarrassed.

"Well then just grab your stuff and come shower at my house, that way we can stay together and I can still change" you suggested. You got out of the bed and got dressed in the pervious days clothes, and then quickly grabbed his gym bag stuffing clothes into it. He stretched and got up getting dressed and then you both snuck out of the house as quietly as possible. You walked outside and saw your bike surprised, having forgotten you had ridden it to find him.

It took several minutes to convince his very large frame to get on the back of the bike but he eventually gave in. Deciding not to repeat last night you asked him how to get back to your own house, with knowing the direction it was only a 10 minute drive versus the 45 minutes it took you the night before. The shower was quick and you both got dressed and walked hand in hand to the gym. You were about to walk into the gym when your phone started ringing, you waved Tsukki to go inside and walked around the side of the building to answer it. It was a facetime from Kuroo, you took a deep breath and steadied your face before answering.

"Morning" you said with a smile.

"What the hell L/N? Why haven't you answered in days?" he asked ignoring your greeting.

"Sorry I was out of town for a few days and decided I needed a break from my phone" you said with a fake laugh.

"What's wrong?" he asked taking you by surprise.

"Nothing, just didn't sleep great and had to get up early" you said trying to shrug it off but you couldn't meet his gaze.

"Chibi-chan.... Please look at me" he said much softer.

"Look I have to go practice is about to start, I'll call you later though I promise" you said forcing yourself to smile at him.

"No forget that, I'm getting in the car now and I'll see you in a few hours" he said.

"Wait!" you said trying to stop him but he had already hung-up.

"Damnit" you said lightly kicking the wall. You knew you had to break it off with him and just had no clue on how to go about it. He had always been open with his feelings and had struggled with jealousy but had stayed by your side. Now you had to break his heart and it made you sick to your stomach. You slid down the wall and landed on your butt, tucking your head between your knees you stayed there trying to calm down. The sound of footsteps approaching made your heart start racing again until a friendly face peeked around the side of the building.

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