Chapter 45

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*LEMON* (It is towards the end, but i just wanted to give a slight warning. I used words i dont typically use because ive tried to stick to the more common terms in books like these (member, entrance) so be warned i used more "graphic" or "naughty" words this chapter. i mainly just wanted to see if you liked the mix or if you would prefer it one way or the other so let me know! Also thank you to those who suggested ideas for this chapter, i hope you like it!)

The atmosphere at the arena was different today, everything felt heavy and quiet. The stands were more full than they had been any other day, several people from other teams had even come to watch the final match. Shiratorizawa was of course the team thought to win, and really no one could be blamed for thinking that. Karasuno was relatively unknown until now, they were a team that had fallen from greatness and nothing was really expected from them. You however knew their greatness and knew that no matter how today turned out you couldn't be more proud of how far they had come.

Before the game started you were down by the team at Ukai's side as he gave them a pep talk. When he was done you quickly went around either giving hugs or high fives to everyone. After high fiving Yamaguchi you turned and instantly dropped your hands when Tsukki stood in front of you.

"Have a good game Tsukishima" you said giving him a small nod before stepping around him to go up into the stands. He stood there watching you walk away for a moment as he battled internally.

"Damnit" he said under his breath and quickly stomped after you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you hard into his chest, his arms locked around your back holding you in place.

"I-I'm" he paused and took a deep breath "I'm sorry Shortcake, I was just embarrassed and didn't want to be rejected just yet" he said under his breath.

"I wouldn't have rejected you, and if I was going to I wouldn't do it in front of a group of people." You scolded lightly.

"I know I'm sorry..... I missed sitting by you" he added.

"Seems you wanted to cuddle your bag instead of me" you said lightly jabbing at him.

"It was a lot quieter than you and it didn't snore" he joked.

"There's my mean Tsukki-poo, I missed you" you laughed pulling back from him.

"Whatever" he said aggressively messing up your hair (in a playful way). He turned back towards the court and joined his team in warm ups while you started to make your way out to go up to the stands.

You quickly found Yachi and stood beside her to watch the game eventually unfold. A surprise hug came from behind and they shook you crazy from side to side.

"Y/N!!!! How are you so cute??? Wont you please just marry that punk brother of mine so we can be sisters???" she nearly screamed as she shook you.

"Nice to see you too Saeko! You are way cuter than me but thank you, and I'd rather marry you than Tanaka no offense! Maybe if he wasn't so in love with someone else" You laughed as you hugged her arms that were wrapped around your shoulders.

"I'm sure he would get over her for you" she fake whined as she released you.

"I doubt that, I'm pretty sure they are meant to be. Plus I have enough boy troubles without adding my best friend into the mix" you playfully shook your head.

"At least one of us does, I'd kill to have a man right now. I've been thinking about putting moves on that one" She locked one arm around your neck pulling you close and pointed down at Ukai.

"Is that right? Hmmm, I'll wish you luck with that one but I think he is interested in someone already" you said trying not to give much away.

"Really?? Just my luck, do you think I could take her?" she asked giving you a side glance.

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