Ushijima 2

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(The picture made me snort from laughing so hard so i had to use it!)

The morning after the picnic you woke up cuddled up against Ushi's massive body, the night had been long and you weren't even sure you would be able to stand. He was still sleeping peacefully, his usually pensive face relaxed and beautiful. You started trying to crawl out from under his heavy arm but he stirred as you were almost free.

"Not yet, stay" his voice deep from sleep, he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you back against his body.

"I need to go to practice, I've missed so many days and Nationals is in just a few weeks" you laughed as you tried lifting his hand.

"I'll teach you some tricks to show them if you stay" he offered trying to entice you.

"How about you do that anyway and still let me go help them get ready?" you countered.

"But you still leave me with that option so no" he said as he tucked his face in against your neck.

"How about we shower together, I go to practice, and then you stay with me again tonight?" you offered

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"How about we shower together, I go to practice, and then you stay with me again tonight?" you offered.

"Hmmm...... fine, one condition though" he said, he moved his lips right next to your ear and let his hot breath caress your skin. "I want you" he whispered.

"Again? I don't even know if I can walk" you joked pulling away from him.

"Don't worry, I'll carry you" he got out of bed quickly coming around to your side and picked you up with ease.

"I wont be able to move at practice!" you protested.

"I'll take it easy I promise" he said pausing to look you in the eyes.

"Oh geez..... I cant say no to you, just don't drop me!" you teased.

"Never Honey" he smiled and quickly took you into the bathroom.

After the shower you did surprisingly feel more limber and less sore but he broke his promise about going easy. He drove you to the school and dropped you off at the gym before he went back home to get things to stay with you the next few days.

The gym was mostly full when you arrived with only a few stragglers having not arrived yet. Everyone happily greeted you and had a million questions as to where you had been. You noticed Ukai had stayed back but you could feel his eyes on you from time to time.

You were about to walk out the door when practice and cleanup had ended but he called your name bringing you back in and away from the gang. He took your hand and led you over to the small bench beside the court.

"I'm glad you came today" he said nervously scratching the back of his neck. "When you didn't come yesterday I was worried" he explained.

"I'm sorry I worried you that wasn't my intention. To be honest with you I spent most of the day with Ushijima. I..." you paused knowing you had to tell him but feeling broken inside about it. "I chose to get back in a relationship with him. Tanaka and Noya came by my house when we got back from our trip and they helped me work through my feelings." You explained.

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