Kuroo final

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"Okay so honest opinions and don't just hype me up" you instructed before stepping out of the dressing room.

Noya and Tanaka's jaws hit the floor when you stepped out, you walked over to the small platform in the center of the room and stepped up. The women helping you put the dress on fixed the trail and placed the veil at the back of your head. You looked up into the mirror and you knew in that moment that this was the dress you had been looking for.

 You looked up into the mirror and you knew in that moment that this was the dress you had been looking for

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"I'm really at a loss for words Goddess" Noya said in awe.

"Please just leave that rooster and marry me instead!" Tanaka chimed in.

"I don't think Kiyoko would like that" you teased.

"If I sent her a picture of you in that I'm sure she would be supportive" he joked.

"Okay be serious, does it look okay?" you asked now feeling self-conscious.

"You look like an angel" Noya said with two thumbs up.

"Do you think Tetsu will cry when he see's me in it?" you joked.

"If he doesn't than he is a heartless monster, still don't know why you gave him another chance" Tanaka whispered the last part under his breath.

"Cut it out T, that's in the past and I'm happy" you lightly scolded.

"I know, just know if he messes up again I'll punch his bed-headed face in" he said punching his fist into his palm making you laugh.

"Don't worry I'll beat you to it" you joked.

You and Kuroo had been back together for a year now and he had proposed about 6 months in, vowing that he didn't want to wait anymore. You were hesitant at first to accept but something in you told you to trust it and you hadn't regretted that decision for one second since. He really had worked on himself during the time you were apart, and it showed in his every day actions. He was a lot more open about his feelings and his jealousy issues had really calmed down, he also was much more generous in the relationship, always surprising you with gifts and flowers or even just texts of how he missed you or was thinking about you.

After the engagement you had taken him to America to announce it to your parents who were excited. You stayed there for nearly a month showing him around and letting him experience the culture which he found fascinating. When you got back home you found a place together that was close enough to his work and gave you enough space for your collectables and a game room. Everything had been really smooth since then and your wedding plans were finalized it was just a matter of finding the dress, which you had now luckily found.

When the day of the wedding arrived you were overjoyed, planning the wedding had consumed the last few months and it was finally show time. You arrived at the venue on schedule and made your way into the bridal sweet where Tanaka and Noya were waiting. They had agreed to be your brides men and you had found them matching suits in your wedding colors.

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