Tsukki final

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Life had changed a lot over the last year, you had now graduated while Tsukki was currently in his third year. Ukai had brought you on as his assistant coach and your days were filled with streaming, afternoons were spent in practice, and your evenings were typically spent with Tsukki even though he normally just studied while you sat beside him. He was stressed with it being his final year and knowing he needed to score high for his future, so his no nonsense personality was at an all time high. Overall your relationship was great but you did have little fights when he was getting too focused on school and would snap at distractions, he was usually quick to catch himself and apologize though.

Today was one of those days you hadn't been feeling well the last few days and you just wanted his attention which was where the argument began

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Today was one of those days you hadn't been feeling well the last few days and you just wanted his attention which was where the argument began. You moved his book off the small desk and sat down in its place, grabbing the sides of his face you made him meet your eyes.

"Love me!" you whined.

"I do, now get down I need to study" he said trying to pull you from the desk.

"I do, now get down I need to study" he said trying to pull you from the desk

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"But I don't feel good, wont you just hold me?" you pleaded.

"Not right now, now move" he said dismissing you. For some reason his words hit harsher than normal and you started to cry which quickly made his anger disappear. "What's wrong?" he asked now slightly panicked. "I didn't know you were really sick, I'm sorry baby come here" he pulled you from the desk down into his lap and held you close to his body.

"Somethings wrong....." you sniffled into his shoulder.

"Do we need to go to the Hospital?" he asked, his voice was much kinder than before and he gently stroked your back as he spoke.

"No, just lay down with me please?" you asked wiping the tears onto his shoulder.

"Of course" he stood to his feet and carried you over to his bed, he laid you down and grabbed some extra blankets and a trash can to put beside the bed incase you got sick. He crawled onto the bed behind you and pulled you close, you could hear his heartbeat pounding hard but it was so rhythmic that you began to feel sleepy.

"Can you tell me what's wrong Shortcake?" he asked but his voice sounded fuzzy as sleep pulled you into its grasp.

When you woke up the light was rather bright and there was an odd beeping sound that didn't sound familiar. You tried to shield your eyes and open them but the light was giving you a screaming headache.

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