Chapter 8

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When the morning came you felt so well rested which was unusual for you. Your body was a different story though, standing up you felt entirely too sore, but it was a very "active" weekend. The shower was calling your name that's for sure, you turned on the powerful heads and steam and turned the heat up high. Showers were one of the things you loved most, it gave you time to think, meditate, and wash away the worries. Unfortunately showers also made you a bit sad sometimes, they made you feel so lonely, and that was a feeling you never could get over. You were proud of your parents for having careers and you were grateful for the life they gave you but you would give all that up to have a regular family. A family with younger siblings to run around and drive you crazy, grandparents to spoil you and question your decisions, a mom to shop with and talk to boys about. 

Tears started to slip from your eyes getting washed away by the water. Quickly wiping your face you gave your body a shake to clear your mind and got out of the shower. You came out of the bathroom and found a cute bra and panty set and sat down at your vanity and gasped.  Bruises were scattered across your body the biggest one being on your shoulder, you gently grazed your fingers across it getting chills from the memories of this weekend. You stood up to see more of your body, your hips had bruises that obviously looked like fingertips which made your face heat up. "Dangit Kuroo" you said. Grabbing your phone you decided to tease him about it, you took a few pics of your body in the mirror making sure to pose to show the bruises but also sticking out your butt. You quickly sent him the photo's knowing he wouldn't see them till after morning practice and went back to getting ready.

One nice thing about school uniforms is you don't have to think about your outfit, you just throw it on and head downstairs to eat breakfast. Grabbing a muffin and your bento from the fridge you headed for the door. Flinging open the door you were surprised to find Daichi standing there ready to knock.

"Hey handsome, what are you doing here? Didn't you have practice this morning?" you asked locking your door.

"Oh yea we did, i just wanted to walk you to school so i hurried over after" he rubbed the back of his neck a little embarrassed. 

"That's unbelievably sweet, there really should be more guys like you in the world. But its hard to make a guy that's sweet, so sexy, great in bed and a gentleman, so that's why there is only you." You said giving him a big smile. He grabbed you pulling you into a hug and kissed your forehead, he then placed a hand on each side of your face and brought his lips to yours. Kissing him brought you back to the other night and you pulled your body closer to his wanting to feel him again. He pulled away kissing the tip of your nose.

"As much as i want to take you right here right now, we have class and better get going or we will be late" he took your hand in his and headed off towards school. The walk to school was great, the weather was perfect and the company even better. You arrived at the school and he walked you to your class.

"Thank you for walking me this morning, ill see you at practice" you said kissing his check.

"i cant wait, you look beautiful today by the way" he kissed your hand and headed off towards his class in a different hallway. 

Walking into class you headed over to your spot happy to see Noya and Tanaka waiting for you. "Morning boys" you said smiling.

"Good morning Goddess! You look pretty today" Noya said grinning so big you couldn't see his eyes.

" So when are we going to have another sleepover?" Tanaka asked.

"You guys can stay over anytime you want honestly, i hate being alone all the time plus this weekend was so much fun" you explained.

"Can we sleep with you next time?" Tanaka said wiggling his eyebrows.

"If you didn't mean it in a dirty way i would say yes" you laughed.

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