Chapter 49

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The excitement started to build in the car as the front gates of Disneyland came into view. When the car came to a stop you grabbed Ukai's hand and pulled him out of the vehicle and hurried to get in line. You had luckily bought everything ahead of time and chosen a weekday to come but there was still a decent crowd. Ukai stiffened beside you when a few eyes landed on the two of you, he greatly wished in that moment that he had done better in school to learn English so he could understand their whispers.

"Don't look so worried, they are just wondering where we are from. Except that one over there" you said gently nudging your head in a blonde woman's direction. "She is saying that you are very handsome and is wondering if we're family" you gently chuckled, covering your mouth with your hand.

"Are they really talking about that?" he asked shocked, he took your hand in his and interlocked fingers so the woman would get the idea.

"People are different here in many ways, staring and making aloud assumptions is just one of them" you said with another laugh. The blonde woman made another comment and kept staring making the both of you uncomfortable.

"Should we kiss to get the message across better?" he jokingly asked as he adjusted his stance clearly uncomfortable.

"I think that would only make things worse, just ignore her, we are almost inside" you said flashing him a smile.

"Still would've liked a kiss" he whispered mostly under his breath and turning his head away.

"You should've just said so" you smiled and grabbed his chin quickly pulling his lips down to meet yours. His eyes went wide for a second before he closed them and enjoyed the brief kiss. When you pulled back his cheeks had a light dusting of pink.

"I was only joking....." he said slightly flustered.

"I know but its cute when you get flustered, makes me feel better about how my body reacts to you" you explained before realizing what you said.

"Your body reacts to me? How so?" he lightly teased, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close to his side.

Your phone vibrated in your pocket at that moment distracting you both. Pulling it out you quickly turned it off and put it back away.

"Not going to answer whoever that was?" he asked.

"It can wait" you simply said smiling up at him.

It took another 30 minutes to get inside the gate but once in you locked fingers with Ukai and pulled him away towards the first ride. You had chosen to go on the Buzz Lightyear ride first thinking it would be fun to compete against Ukai and that it wouldn't have a super long line right off the bat. The line still took awhile though and the two of you chatted about everything just to get to know each other more. People around you in line kept looking at you both confused due to the different language but they weren't rude like the woman at the gate.

Once on the ride your competitive side kicked in and you went off shooting everything you could trying to wrack up more points. Somehow though Ukai ended up winning and he of course had to brag about it.

"What happened to all that smack talking you were doing while we were in there?" he teased as he took your hand back in his as you walked away from the ride.

"Oh hush!" you said with a slight huff, you weren't fond of losing.

"I also can't believe you said such dirty words, this is supposed to be a family friendly place" he teased further.

"Its not like they could understand it....." you said under your breath feeling slightly bad that you had indeed said a mix of curse words on the ride.

"Your competitive side is pretty hot" he said in a more flirty tone.

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