Kuroo 1

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"I love......... Kuroo" your lips turned up into a smile as you spoke his name.

"You cant love our rivals!" Tanaka groaned.

"He is graduating this year so he wont even be our rival anymore" you countered.

"Once a cat always a cat" Noya said to back Tanaka up.

"A cute cat" you said under your breath.

"Doesn't matter, they will be our rivals for life" Noya said with a shrug.

"When are you two just going to be gay for each other, you are basically already the same person with stupid opinions." You said rolling your eyes.

"Never because I'm in love with Kiyoko and Noya here is in love with As-" Tanaka started before Noya clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Her AS well" Noya corrected before letting go.

"Yea sure" you said with a cheeky smile. "So what can I do to get you on board with my decision?" you asked trying to get back to the problem at hand.

"He could say were better" Tanaka said with an evil grin.

"So you want him to lie? I could probably get him to agree if we didn't keep losing to them" you said knowing it would stir him up.

"I'LL PLAY HIM RIGHT NOW!" he said jumping to his feet on the bed and ripping his shirt off swinging it in a circle over his head.

"You are so gullible" you laughed.

"ANYTIME! ANYWHERE!" he continued.

"Just sit down idiot! We need to go to sleep or coach will kill all of us tomorrow" you grabbed his arm and pulled him down beside you

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"Just sit down idiot! We need to go to sleep or coach will kill all of us tomorrow" you grabbed his arm and pulled him down beside you.

"But we didn't even talk about how your going to tell him" Noya complained.

"Ill figure it out tomorrow, we need to sleep because tomorrow is going to be really awkward." You said lightly groaning.

"Can you wait to tell him till after practice? If you break his heart he might make us run more" Noya groaned as he laid down on the other side of you.

"Ukai?" you asked.

"Yea or Daichi" Noya explained.

"Yea I don't plan on telling him yet, don't want him to think he was just a booty call." you joked.

"Ewwwww" Tanaka groaned.

"That's an expensive booty call" Noya laughed.

"It was so worth it though, you would think his tongue had a built in vibrator" you said pretending to fan yourself.

"Nope that's it, your done" Tanaka pulled the pillow from under your head and covered your face with it. When you tried to take it off he would just swat your hands away and laugh.

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