Chapter 37

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The ride home was calm, the guys were tired from the days game and quickly dozed off. Daichi was quiet also, he laid his head against the window and seemed deep in thought. You would've thought they would be more excited having won but it seems the reality of their future opponents was setting in hard. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, stealing your attention away from the guys.

 Your phone buzzed in your pocket, stealing your attention away from the guys

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"Ummm... Daichi?" you said trying to get his attention.

"hmm" he answered, glancing your way.

"Were you planning on coming over tonight?" you asked. His eyes glanced from your face down to your phone and back up.

"Unless you had other plans...." He said hesitantly.

"Nope, that sounds great to me, I was just checking." You said flashing him a smile. You looked back at your phone to return the text.

"Well it seems we have an uninvited guest joining us" you passed your phone to Daichi and he gently shook his head

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"Well it seems we have an uninvited guest joining us" you passed your phone to Daichi and he gently shook his head.

"Can't say I blame him, does spoil my plans for tonight but there will be other nights." He said with a shrug.

"You sure? I could always just lock him out" you suggested.

"Knowing him he would just whine until you let him in" he said with a laugh.

"I don't think he would whine, I think it would be more of a pester me until I opened the door to yell at him and he would force his way inside" you said laughing with him.

"So sleepover at your house?" Noya said peering over the seat from behind you.

"No!" you said shaking your head.

"Awe come on! If Daichi can, why cant I?" Noya pleaded.

"Win tomorrow and ill let you come over, for tonight though I've got a full house" you said trying to act stern.

"This is so unfair" Noya grunted, he dropped back down into his seat and crossed his arms across his chest.

The bus pulled into the school parking lot a few minutes later and everyone quickly exited and started heading their separate ways. You decided to help Kiyoko unload the water bottles and banner from the bus and followed behind her to carry them inside. You turned to meet Daichi outside to walk to your house when someone called your name.

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