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"Why don't we take a walk as we talk," Fallon recommends to me. I agree to it so we start to walk through the long hallway. "Would you like to learn more about metal manipulation?"

"I'd love to. I think there's a lot more to metal than just solidifying and liquefying them," I claim.

"Yes there is and you have gotten part of it,"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Poisoning, what made you used it as a last resort?"

I think back of the time of the battle. I seriously didn't think I could get up after being electrocuted, but somehow I just felt something. It gave me strength and I don't know what it was. I knew I had to use poisoning even if I don't intend to kill if possible.

"It was out of desperation," I answer him. "Zuleima told me that I could poison a user with metal. I even tried it on Zuleima but when I did, nothing happened. The metal didn't go into her skin, they just attached to her. I wasn't sure if it's because she's a fire user or I'm just afraid of hurting her,"

"You were just afraid of using her. Anyone can get metal poisoning except for metal users themselves. But you need to be cautious about it, you can really kill someone. Since you are the only metal user here, you need to extract them all out, leave nothing behind or else it can break their elemental manipulation beat,"

"What does that mean?"

"It'll destroy their ability to manipulate their element. Maybe something your friend had already experienced,"

"Ellera is not my friend,"

"Oh, you two sounds so close though,"

"Just some frienemies,"

"Anyways, when I heard about you being the first metal user in a century, I wanted to come and help, but I didn't get approved. So coming here, I came prepare,"

"Why didn't they let you?"

"Maybe they got it under control?" We exit the building and continue taking our walk outside. "Here you go, this is all you need," he hands me a grey bag. Something is in there so I wonder what could it be. "Go on, take a look," I did so. I grab the bag and open it. Bracelets.

"Bracelets? What are they for?" I ask as I try them on. I adjust it to fit perfectly on my wrists.

"They are resistant to electricity. Watching you taking large amount of shock hurts me. I've been there multiple times and it isn't nice, especially the aftermath," I look at my purple right hand.


"So what do you say? Do you want me to train you for the next two days before I leave?" He asks.

I look at the bracelets, "No. I'll pass," I stop walking and he did too. We look at each other.

"Duvessa, how old are you again?"


"Hum," I see him swing his fist at me. It was so fast I didn't know to either put up protection or just use my hand to block it. I pick my hand, my injured hand. Once my palm slap against his forceful fist, I feel my whole arm shatter. His force throws me off my feet and everything hurts when I hit the ground.

"Ah!!" I yell in agony as I hold my whole arm that I can no longer move. Pain throbs throughout my whole arm. It hurts worst than anything.

"You like to act tough when you aren't, but you will thank me later," I see him walking away and quickly get up even though I almost couldn't.

"Fallon!" I shoot shards of metal to him as he turns around. I watch as Fallon raise a hand and stop the shards right away.

"Don't forget, I'm also a metal user," he sends the shards back and I try copying him. I try to stop the shards but it changed direction?! The shards strikes on my left thigh which made my fall to one knee. "I'm a metal teacher, unlike your Elder who's nothing."

I sit down and grab my left thigh. I figure to liquefy the metal rather than to summon it out because it will cause more harm for me.

How dare he?! Two days until he leaves? He better pray that I don't see him.

I lay down not knowing where to clutch. Everything hurts so bad.

A teacher found me and took me to the infirmary. I was checked and indeed, my whole right arm has been shattered. My left thigh got treated and wrapped. A metal user outside of our district came and help me with my arm.

"What happened?" She asks when it's just us in the room.

"Fallon," I tell her. She start by touching my shoulder then close her eyes. Slowly, she descends down my whole arm. After touching my fingers, she stop.

"All done," I can move it again. I can bend it.

"What did you do?" I ask her. "How?"

"I pulled your bones together and sealed it with metal. It should completely heal in the next two days if you don't do anything stupid, so I'm going to tell you not to do anything stupid,"

"Since you have metal users in your district, what is the most difficult technique to master?" I ask.

"Metal doesn't have any limits. You can do a lot of things with it. Judging from your fight, you seem comfortable manipulating it to your liking."

I get up from the chair then thank her before I leave. Fallon is going to regret putting his hands on me. Just wait in two days.

The ceremony for Zuleima and I was postponed. She's still dealing with her broke collarbone as I am here limping with a healing arm.

I knock on the door to Zuleima's hospital room. The door lights flash green so I walk in.

"Duvessa, what happened to you?" Zuleima immediately ask me and she sit up, careful not to hurt herself.

"Ah, nothing. My arm was hurting really bad so I had to get it wrapped and cast," I lie to her. "How are you feeling?"

"Ignoring all of this pain and discomfort, I feel great."

We both laugh together then talk about what we should do after the ceremony. I think we should focus on our training and look through text books to see what else we can do with our element.

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