Quest With Ellera

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I found the perfect quest Ellera and I can do. It's really easy and where it's located is the best place I could ever take her. Now there's a problem. Where is Ellera?

I search the most popular place she could go to but she isn't in the library. I then search every room I suspect she's in but she's not. Why does she likes hiding so much?

After awhile, she was the one who found me. I asked where she was and she said she was at home. I don't know where her home is.

"Look," I slide the paper over. She takes it and her eyes lights up.

"Really? When do we leave?" She ask.

"Right now if you want to," I tell her. "But you have to prepare yourself. Like carry a backpack with the things you think you may need."

"Oh. Yeah." Ellera excitingly left to go pack. I also went to pack too and grab us some snacks and meals that can last us a few days. This quest won't be long. It'll just take us two days at most. Unless we encounter something.

An hour of getting things ready, we went to the hall of the Council chamber and sign out. We write our names, the location of the quest, and the day of our departure.

"Come, I'll show you. It only gets better starting right now," I hold Ellera's hand and take her to the hovering automobile. I have not ride these in so long!

Ellera is like a little kid right now. She couldn't stop looking out the window as we're in the air. I gave her my attention for awhile until I look over to the pilot. I have him teach me to operate on the automobile. He was nice to teach me too. In an hour, I got all the things down, just that I haven't try flying it. He said after I finish my quest, he'll come pick us up and really teach me on how to operate it. I'm glad he's open to it.

Only four hours later, Ellera and I were drop off at Magma. It's a place that magma used to swallow all the time when a giant volcano was active. It's dead so the valley is green and alive. The dirt is really rich, but what we are here for is Magma crystals.

"Ellera, wait for me!" I jog after her as she enjoys the sight of nature. I'm really glad the Council allowed this.

"Duvessa! This tree! I read about it! It's the two leaf tree!" She points at it. I raise a brow and look at its leaf. Huh, so that's how it got its name. Two leaves merged into each other. "It's edible," Ellera went ahead and eat it. I am shock to see her doing that.

"That's okay, Ellera," I chuckle and hold her hand. If I don't hold her hand, she will run off. She is distracted which I don't mind because I want her to have fun, but we could get lost.

"Duvessa! Look!" She half whisper and half yell. I look where she's pointing and see a white deer. Ah, yes. This is probably the first time she has ever saw a deer with her own eyes. "Can we pet it?"

"I don't think so, but we can try?" I start making some noise to attract it and it work! The deer cautiously approach us, but once it realize we aren't a threat, it allow Ellera to pet it. Wow! First time for me touching a deer too. Its fur is so soft! I think this one is a female. The white deer rubs itself on Ellera. It likes her. I just watch and gently rub its back. About five minutes, the deer abandon us. I urge Ellera to keep traveling because we are also on a quest.

"We can set our camp right here," I tell her after securing the area. Ellera drops her bag and sit on it.

"What a day this has been!" She stretch.

"Rest up, I'm going to find some firewood for us," I drop my bag beside her.

"Oh! Let me help!" She gets up and hold my hand. I smile and nod. Together, we went to find firewoods.

Once we collected enough, we bring the woods back to our bags. Now the sun is setting. Soon, it'll be dark so I quickly make a fire then create a comfortable bed for us.

Just thirty minutes later, it's completely dark. Our only sources of light is the moon and our well lit fire.

"Ellera," I sit behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. "How was your day?"

"I love it. I don't think I have ever been this happy," she say and rest her head against my chest.

"I'm happy to see you happy,"

"Duvessa," she turns to me. "We can stargaze out here." Oh yes. Ellera looks up to the sky and point at the biggest speck of white. "Durla."

"Durla!" I smile and let out a laugh. "And there is Murk and Celio."

"Yep, you got it!"

Ellera and I start naming names of the stares we see. It's really exciting if you ask.

"Okay, it's enough. We got to get some rest for our big day tomorrow," I scoot away to the bed I made for us. I wait for Ellera to join me but she's too happy looking at the sky. I'm jealous she won't look at me like right now.

"Okay, rest time."

Now she joins me. We lay down, our bag is our pillow. She looks at me with a big smile and so did I.

"Good night Ellera," I bid her.

"Good night Duvessa."

Neither of us look away. We just simply acknowledge each other.

"You're beautiful," she whispers to me.

"You should see yourself," I flirt back and cup her cheek. I have been wanting to kiss her but I was never sure about it. I kept her waiting and know that she wants it too. I promise to never let Ellera wait ever again. I'll be cautious with my act though.

I lean in and press my lips on hers. Butterflies in my stomach flew right as she kisses me back. Wow.

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