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"Pull the fur back then cut along the fat," I tell her how to skin the deer as I also show her a demonstration. She gags and it made me laugh. "Ellera, be serious."

"I'm trying," she groans as she separates the fur from the meat. In a few tries, she looks away.

"How are you going to survive without me?" I rest my hands on my hips.

"Ezekiel," she smirks. I shake my head. "He said he'll protect me and he's also a great cook."

"He's not here, is he?" I return to skin the deer.

We got half way through until I hear Zuleima. Looking at her, all the First and Second follows behind. I am left in confusion. Why are they here?

"Hey Duvessa! Hey, Ellera!" They all greet us. I cautiously stand in front of Ellera.

"Duvessa, we're here to help," Viggo say. It causes me to be more defensive. "There's a huge problem right now."

"If you're here for Ellera, do not think you're gonna leave with her," I summon my metals. They all put their hands up and Zuleima steps forward.

"They're here to help, Duvessa. They told me the Councils had put a bounty on you and Ellera. You'll need all the help you can get and we are here for you," her hand rest on my shoulder and it help relax me. I sigh and nod.

"I'm sorry," I say then approach them. "Do you know what else the Council has plan?"

"No, we all abandon our positions. This will worry them by a lot," Ioana informs me.

"Duvessa!" I hear Ellera yells and then feel something hard hit the back of my head. I groan right after I hit the ground. Some screams were heard, even Ellera's. I open my eyes and see a double Zuleima.

"I'll wait for you in District Five," I hear her before everything went pitch black.

"Duvessa! Duvessa! Wake up! What happened here!"


I didn't clearly hear his voice at first but it got more clearer. I flutter my eyes open then feel the throbbing pain behind my head. Ellera? Where is she? I carefully sit up and Ezekiel help me. I look around to see Viggo, Stella, Alafia, Ioana, Jameson, and Clark. Half of the rest are gone.

"Ezekiel," I hold the back of my head. "Release them."

"Who are they first?" He ask.

"True friends," I get on all fours then onto my feet. My head hurts so bad.

Ezekiel help me untie everyone then I went to sit down.

"What happened here?" He ask as he sit by me. "Where is Ellera and Scarlett?"

"Zuleima... Took her," the memory flashes back. "She betrayed me and so did half of the District First and Second."

"How dare she?!"

How long was this ago? I look at my hand and my blood is still fresh. Maybe ten fifteen minutes or so.

"I have to get her back before the Council does anything to her," I get up and stumble. Ezekiel hold me straight.

"Let me come with you," He said.

"No, I need you to relocate again, Ezekiel. I'm sorry but we can no longer use this area nor your home. Please do that for me," I walk to my friends and wake them up one by one. I can't believe Zuleima would do this! Why? Does she wants the bounty rewards?! Is she taking revenge on me? I can't believe it.

Once all six of them wakes up, I was able to get heal by Lune. We all are mad right now, and we all agree to bring Ellera back. No matter what cost.

I lead them to the automobile we stole but just as I thought, it's not there. How can we even get the District Five from here? The distance is long on foot and I can't afford to wait any longer.

"We'll just call them," Clark recommends. Jameson laughs and pull his mate's cheek.

"My dear Clark, they will send an army to us. I'd say let's use the river. It'll take a bit longer but I'm sure they'll still keep Ellera alive when we reach District Five."

"Jameson! You're a genius!" Alafia cheers. "I know where it is!"

I sigh and follow Alafia.

Ellera, stay strong for me.

Once we reach the river, I build a boat big and strong enough for us all. When we get on the boat, my water users, Jameson and Lune, help make us travel faster by controlling the water. Then when they get tired, Ioana and I will replace them by using air to push us.

Viggo and Clark can just encourage us and keep us company. They also went their ways to use their arms to paddle. It gave me an idea and I make them a paddle. Now, this is a great team!

This was horrible. We have our limits and in the end, I was the one pushing us with the air. I don't mind because some of them got sick. Viggo is complaining about her sore arms and Lune is comforting her. Same for Jameson and Clark. I just wish Ellera is here.

An hour went by, they stop me and take over. I take off my shirts and sigh.

"Say if we reach District Five, how are we going to find Ellera?" Alafia ask.

"I don't know where I would find her, but I know Zuleima and the other half of the District's First and Second will be there. We will have to get through them first then for sure the Council will try to stop me again. If we defeat Zuleima and the other half, you can consider it as finding Ellera."

"How can they betray us? We thought we can be able to protect you but I guess they want Ellera all along," Lune is upset and so am I. I had hope when Zuleima told me that everyone was here to help. But then she attacked me and took Ellera. I cannot forgive her.

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