Viggo and Lune

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Fallon greets me after I get off of the automobile. He gave me some compliments and we did a little summary about the past years to catch each other up.

"So what are you doing in district three?" He ask.

"Well, I'm looking forward to train with your metal users," I answer him. "Recently, my district received a new metal user. It's good news but the kid seems hesitant."

"I see, but I did remember telling you that whenever you need something you can always come to district three."

"I'm hoping to fight you," I chuckle.

"Is that Duvessa?" Oh it's the First and Second.

"Hey Lune and Viggo," I greet them. We hug each other then they take me away.

Lune and Viggo show me around their district. It's not too different from mine, but the place is a bit better. So now we are in their study room, sitting around. I get up and went to the shelves.

"How come Zuleima isn't here with you?" First Viggo ask.

"Ugh, Zuleima has a girlfriend now so she doesn't even want to spend time with me," I pull out a textbook and flip through the pages.

"Who?" Lune ask next.

"The light user, Scarlett Field." I put the book back and return to them.

"Ohhhh, wow. If I were Zuleima, I wouldn't leave her side too," Lune and Viggo laugh and I groan.

"I want my best friend back," I whine.

"Don't worry, we'll hang with you for now," Viggo pat my shoulder.

"Wait, what about your mate?" Lune question me. I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"You heard about the elementless girl in my district?" I ask to see if they know or not.

"No, we haven't heard but don't tell me that she's your mate,"

"Wow, you really have poor luck,"

"She's my mate, and she have someone else,"

"Ouch," Viggo scoffs. I show her my left arm where the ink used to be.

"It's gone," I frown.

"So you like her-"

"No!" I interrupt Lune. "I don't. She's useless."

"You really care more if she possesses an element rather than her personality," Lune said.

"We aren't the best," I show a small smile. "Where are your mates?"

"We are mates," they show me their ink. I look at it and shake my head.

"We spent one year together and I didn't know that you two were mates? Well you two were really close to each other so I thought it was close friends relationship,"

"No, we are mates. You didn't know since you were with Amista and Stella. We were with Jameson and Clark, they're mates also."

"What?" I throw my hands up in the air. "What else do you know?"

"That's about it," they smile. I sigh and tap my foot.

"Help me. Um, I want to get closer to my mate, but she and I have an awful relationship,"

"How is that?" They ask.

"Before the Monrona ceremony, I used to pick on her a lot. I mean I still do but after our one year quest, I haven't been, so yeah. Help please."

"Hm, you should get to know her again," Viggo suggest.

"And be nice," Lune adds.

I listen to their suggestions and really consider it. Why? Because I don't know. I don't like anyone being nice to Ellera, other than me which I'm not even that nice. I can try and I'm willing to try. That's what's important.

"Well, I can't be here the whole day. Take me to your metal users," I command.

"Follow us then," Viggo and Lune get up and lead me to the training ground.

"I want the best metal user here only," I say loud and clear. They look at each other before a hand raise. The person comes forward.

"I would be that person," he say. "I'm Gabe."

"Duvessa," I say. Everyone back away to give us plenty of space.

We both immediately send attacks to each other. I abandon my attack and control his metal. Gabe dodges the metal shards and send out his own. Since I still control his metal, I sent it back. Both his attacks collide with each other and made a few fire sparks.

"Take this!" He shoots out metal balls. Since they're light, it travels faster. I almost couldn't think fast enough. I stomp and a metal wall shoot up from the ground. It absorbs the attack then I kick it. The metal wall liquefies into little beads and fly his way. He did what I did, make a metal wall, but if he's good he should know something. I rip his wall apart to make way for my attack to reach the target. Gabe got hit. He fell to the ground and covers his chest.

I like his idea. I mostly use heavy metals during battle but he reserves to light metal. It can really hit a target without them knowing. Fallon is a good teacher.

"Anyone else?" I ask.

Everyone charge at me. Okay, this is it. I did a stance. My feet are apart, arms are up, and hands are open. I focus on the massive element around me, metal users. I clap my hands then clasp them together. Before me, all metal users drop to the ground. They groan as they're unable to move their bodies. This is an-.

"Release them now!" Fallon's voice disrupt my focus and I break my stance. I release everyone and they finally move on their now. "That is a dangerous art of metal!"

I turn to him and think if I should give him a taste. I rather not.

"My apologies, Fallon," I apologize. He huff then tell the First and Second to take me away. It was getting late anyways so I listen to them praise me as they send me off to the automobile.

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