A Silent Promise

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I enter Ellera's infirmary room. She got the horrible skin aftermath too. I went closer and scan her. It's nothing else but that. I sit down carefully and sigh. So my injuries update, I got some bruises that'll be gone in a few days and the black and purple light streak skin. It'll be gone in a few days too. The Elder checked on Zuleima, Scarlett, and I. We still have our elemental beat. That's still good.

I went ahead and hold Ellera's hand. It's only for now. I'm afraid once she wakes up, I won't be unable to.

Why did you bring yourself into battle knowing you have nothing to protect yourself with? It's absolutely stupid. You really are stupid. I rest my head down against her hand. My ring is still on her finger. It doesn't make a difference if she doesn't wear my Second ring. This is still acceptable.

I hear the door open but refuse to look for who just walk in. If it's Phoebe then good.

"Hey, Duvessa," Yeah. It's her. I raise my head up amd turn to her.

"Phoebe. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm good. Shouldn't you be resting?" I sigh and look back at Ellera. Phoebe came and sit beside me.

"I'm stable," I answer her.

There's a silence between us so I break it.

"Who's your mate?" I ask.


"No." I shut her down. "She won't be yours, Phoebe," I glance her way then back to Ellera.

"You didn't care about her,"

"I was naive. I was young and nothing matter but myself and Zuleima," I explain. "Ellera now matters to me. You can be her friend but in the end, you two aren't soulmates."

"Monrona doesn't speak the truth. That ink doesn't prove anything. You could've rigged it,"

I scoff and rub Ellera's hand. "If I did, I would never put myself with an elementless person like her. I'd pick someone else. But you were there. If I remember correctly, your mate is an Earth girl."

"She isn't my mate," she retorts.

"Then you have none."

"Ellera is like this because of you," ah, the guilt trip.

"She chose to intervene. Because of her, I am safe. Zuleima and Scarlett are safe. So I'm going to watch over her until she wakes up,"

"She'll look for me once she wakes up. Ellera doesn't like you, maybe she did at one point but now she loves me," I calm myself from throwing Phoebe out of here. But she knew she got me so she step out.

I know you don't like me or love me anymore, but now I do so I hope you can see that and change. I'm yours Ellera. You can hate me all you want but I will never hurt you again. That, I promise you.

A few hours later, she wakes up. I couldn't help but smile. I didn't forget to let go of her hand.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" I ask her softly.

"Never been better," she answer me and sigh. Eller closes her eyes for a bit then open them again. "Where's Phoebe?" I feel a pain in my chest but I push it aside.

"She was earlier. Came to check on you then left," I answer.

"Bummer," she looks away from me.

"You... Look better now," I say something. She looks at me confused. "You have a bit of color now."

"Seriously?" She looks at her hands then groan. I let out a chuckle and she glares at me. "It's not funny, Duvessa."

"I'm sorry?"

"You look horrible too," she smiles.

"You should see Zuleima and Scarlett,"

"Worst than you?" I nod. She wheeze and tries to sit up. I immediately stop her and hiss because of my ribs. "You're still hurt."

"I'll be okay," I press on a button and the bed sits up, making Ellera sit up.

"That's so cool. This is my first time here," I smile and pull out a poetry book.

"May I?" I ask as I show her.

"They are so comforting. Read me some." I happily did so.

Shortly after, the nurse bring in some lunch. It's smoked salmon along with some asparagus and fruits. I break the salmon into little piece for Ellera, but then end up feeding her instead because she complain about her arms hurting.

"Done?" I ask. She nods and swallow her food. I grab the glass of water and help her drink some then I take a napkin and gently dab on her lips.

"Read me a few poems," she request.

"I would like to eat also," I grab my plate and stab the asparagus.

"Take your time then," I see her smile.

After I finish, I grab the book and look at her. She stares back then ask why am I not reading.

"I should thank you for your selfish act," I say. Her brows furrow.

"Selfish? It was selfless, Duvessa."

"You didn't have to come back to help. You knew you will get hurt once you show yourself. Just why did you do it?"

"I saw you... I just can't stand you getting hurt so I thought I buy you some time,"

"Don't ever do that again."

"I'm not that useless, okay?"

"I just don't want to see you hurt,"

"Well you done it!"

"I-," I pull back and stay quiet. "Not anymore." I open the book and start reading to her.

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