Magma Crystals

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Ellera was all over me all night. She moves so much in her sleep. It makes me wonder if she was dreaming about something. I prop up on an elbow then rest my head on my hand. Beside me, Ellera is still asleep. She looks so peaceful. I gently brush her hair off her face and patiently wait. Nevermind, I should make us breakfast.

With the left over firewood from last night, I built a fire and warm up the food that I brought along. Once Ellera smell the delicious food, she wakes up.

"Morning Duvessa," she groans and stretch.

"Good morning," I said back. "Wash your face and let's have breakfast."

After breakfast and a little warm up, we begin our day.

Ellera still haven't gotten over her excitement. She points at every direction and name everything that she knows. It's really adorable.

"C'mon," I take her hand and pull her. "We gotta find where those crystals are."

"It doesn't tell us?" She ask.

"Located in the magma cave. It's a distance from here."

"We have the whole day Duvessa,"

"I know," I look behind her and see her looking around. "Watch where you're going."

"It's just so beautiful," she giggles.

"I know."

Around four, we got to the cave. If Ellera wasn't so distracted, we could've gotten here at noon. As we advance deeper into the cave, red light starts to illuminate. I lead to protect her but then we ran into obsidian crystals on the ground. We took some for ourselves then continue to the red light.

"Duvessa!" Ellera gasp and I thought there was a threat. "Look!" She drop my hand and run to the cave wall. Crystals stick out so beautifully.

"These are the ones we're looking for," I tell her. I let Ellera pick them out then and open a bag for her. She loves them so much, she took some for herself.

Since we haven't reach the end of the cave, Ellera wanted to go further. We did that and found even better crystal. She keeps collecting them. The varieties of crystals were all the colors of the rainbow. Unfortunately, we reach the end and there's nothing else, so we turn around.

"Ugh! I'm going to sell the crystals!" She say excitingly.

"I can turn them into jewelries for you," I recommend. Her eyes lit up and she nods.

"A bracelet with all these crystals,"

"Of course," Ellera tip toe and kiss me. "Now, let's go. Your quest isn't complete yet until we show them to the Council."

"Ah, I want to stay here longer,"

"Next week, we can pick another quest,"

"That's perfect," she holds my hand and we travel back to where we were dropped off.

Ellera and I check in on the paper we check out then head to the Council. We present them our quest and the bag of Magma crystals. They accept it and there we go! Ellera has completed her first quest. She got a little pin for it.

"Can I do the honor?" I ask as I hold my hand out.

"Of course," she hands me the pin.

"Ellera Ardalan, in completion of your first quest, I now will pin you the pin of succession. May all your future quests be fair and easy. Congratulations," I pin the pin on her shirt then look at it.

"Thank you," she chuckles and pulls me in. We give each other a gentle kiss. "Where to now?"

"Anywhere you like," I respond.

"Let's go make jewelries for us and Scarlett and Zuleima,"

"I like that idea."

Ellera and I settle down at an empty table. She brings out all the crystals she had collected. We need to break them into little pieces, so she went ahead and save the good big chunks. I summon my finest metal and let it devour the variety of crystals, letting half of their beauty show.

"All done," I say once I have made four bracelets.

"Give me your hand, either is fine," Ellera say. I put my left hand on the table and she equip a bracelet on me. "It looks so beautiful."

"Your turn," I say as I choose a bracelet. She shows me her hand then I clip the bracelet on her wrist. Once finish, she takes a view of it.

"Thank you again, Duvessa," she smiles. I gently grab her chin and turn her to me.

"You're welcome." I smirk.

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