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"Duvessa?" I ask her after she came in me. I didn't orgasm and her member has gone soft. It's still in me though. I gently take her out of me then lay her beside me. Oh my god, I'm soaked down there. I need to wash it off and crap, she pour in me like gallons upon gallons. It was a lot. Geez, let's stop talking about this.

I try to clean myself the best I can and I remember that we passed a small body of water. I'm going to go there to clean myself. Before I leave, I cover Duvessa with her clothes.

I made sure I was safe before cleaning myself. It was quick and thorough. I came back amd Duvessa is still asleep. Was I too demanding? I rest beside her and hold her hand. I watch over Duvessa until the moon replace the sun. At that time, she stirs awake.

"Hey," I give her gentle kisses on her faces. Duvessa smiles and wrap her arms around me.

"Hi," she greets me back and cuddle against me.

"How are you feeling? You slept really long," I caress her head and she groans.

"I feel great,"

"Tsk, of course." We laugh together then she gets up to wear her clothes. I gave her her privacy and wait for her outside.

"Ellera," I feel her arms wrap around my waist. I place my hands on top of her. "I love you."

"I love you too," I tell her back. She kisses my cheek then rest her chin on my shoulder. "We should head back. The others must be worry to death."

"I still want to be with you,"

"I'm always with you," I turn my head to the side and she kiss me. I happily kiss back.

We head back to the hideout and I was right. They were worry to death. We told them we got lost and Duvessa got tired so she slept for a bit which turns out to be hours. And now, we found our way back here.

"Well at least you two are okay, we all already had dinner so the rest is yours," said Ezek.

"Thank you Ezek," Duvessa say as she sits down. I went to sit beside her and she holds my hand.

"Since the house is a bit crowded for all of us, could you build two more? One for you and Kit, one for Phoebe and Femi, and that one is for Duvessa and I?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, that is true amd the ground isn't that comfortable. I can do that... Right now," he walks away and build two houses. We all thank Ezek then Duvessa and I turn to our food. We feed each other not caring what they others may think. What? We're mates.

The others went to their houses and left us alone.

"I told you, we'll always be together," I tap her nose. She chuckles and feed me the last piece of meat.

We quietly hang out by the fire until I yawn.

"We should go sleep," Duvessa suggest. I think so too.

"Let's go then," I tell her. We both stand up and she takes my hand to lead me to the house. We head to bed and then cuddle with each other.

"Good night, Ellera," she kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight, Duvessa," I bid her back.

The night is one of the best nights I've slept, just because of her. I wake up early and Duvessa is cuddling against me. Our legs are intertwine, arms are around each other. Her face is bury in my chest. I saw her brows move but it relax after. Gently, I pry myself off her then get up. I left her a few kisses before going outside.

No one is still awake yet. I build a fire using electricity then went to wash my face by a little stream. Since there are fishes swimming by, I caught one for each of us. They're quite big.

"Hey Ellera! I was just wondering who is up before me," Ezek chuckles.

I show him the fishes, "I went to get these. I'm hoping we can just smoke it with the fire,"

"We can," he gets up and takes the fishes away. Shortly after, Femi and Phoebe comes and join us. They left to wash their faces so I went to check on Duvessa.

I sit on the edge of the bed and gently caresses her cheek. She didn't show any sign of waking up. How tired could you be?

😤 Put your seat belts on. It's gonna be one hell of a ride in the upcoming chapters.

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