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Zuleima came along with me to the library. I try to find Ellera but she isn't here. What is her deal being with Phoebe? I got an uneasy feeling but Zuleima distracted me. We went back to our building and up to Zuleima's floor. Once we enter her room, I went to sit on the couch. Scarlett is on the bed and greeted me on my way in. I did greet her back but questions overtake my mind.

"What?! No!" I flinch and look at Scarlett. She is looking directly at me. For what? "Duvessa..." I turn away and sigh. Great, now she knows and soon everyone will too.

"Leave it alone," I hear Zuleima. I swing my legs on the couch then look up to the ceiling. I shouldn't have done it. I should've walk out and let it be it. Now, I'm in a whole mess. I need some help from a savior.

I close my eyes and listen to my breathing. It's surprising to hear nothing from Scarlett and Zuleima.

I slept for four hours. When I woke up, Scarlett and Zuleima were gone. Where did they go? I stand up and stretch before getting out of the room. It's quite dark outside. I went to my floor and once the door closes, I bring out the electricity elemental ring. I got it but at what cost? Since I can't let anyone know about this, I coat it with my element to make it look like a typical metal ring. I wear it on my finger then sigh.

Ellera came into my mind, but so did Phoebe. Is she trying to win Ellera back? What if Ellera tells her her secret? But I did make it clear.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my hair. A heavy feeling starts to linger in me. Is it about Ellera or me? I push it aside and head out of the building. I'm going to find Ellera first before going to the cafeteria. I search for her in the library, in the places I know she would hide, and in any places she could be but she isn't there. The last stop is her house. She could be there.

I head my way there and once I got to her house, I knock on the door. No signs. I knock once again but still, there's silence. Just when I'm about to leave the door opens. Seeing Ellera instantly made me happy. I hug her and she let out a chuckle.

"Hey Duvessa," she hugs me. "Where did you go?"

"The talk was long with the Elder... But you weren't there when I came to meet you," I pull away and she pulls me inside.

"Yeah, I was hungry and went to eat first and then came home and slept. I just woke up after hearing you banging on the door."

We went to sit down on the couch and I hold her hand. I should ask.

"Zuleima told me Phoebe was with you," I raise a brow to see what she'll say.

"Oh, yeah. She wanted to talk to me about something. It's not that important,"

"Can you not see her anymore? We can't risk anyone knowing,"

"Don't tell me who I can see and who I can't. If you think I'll slip and show off my powers, that won't happen,"

"You never know!" I raise my voice a bit. She sighs and look away. "I just want you safe." I turn her to look at me again. "Am I going crazy?" Ellera cups my cheeks and crash her lips into mine. I respond back hard with lust. I slide my tongue in her mouth as I lay her down on the couch. There's nothing more blissful than hearing her moans. Ellera keep me close to her as we make out. I grope her breast and gently squeeze it, earning a moan that gave me goosebumps. I feel my region down there getting hard. So soon our make out ended when knocks came from the door. I pull away and sigh. Ellera just chuckle and peck my lips.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"I think it's Scarlett. Let me go get it," I sit properly and she went to get the door. Phoebe's voice is heard when she greet Ellera. I saw that she was going to hug Ellera but Ellera push her back. What is this? I stand up and Phoebe looks at me.

"That's why. I will come back later," she smirks.

"No!" Ellera growls. I furrow my brows and walk up to them. Phoebe sense the trouble and left before I could do anything to her.

"What was that all about?" I ask Ellera. She close the door and sigh. I even lean against the door if she decides to run out.

"I.. I'm sorry," she apologize. I tilt my head as I think of why is she apologizing. "Before our trip, Phoebe and I hooked up. It was a mistake and I,"

"You liked it?" I ask. My anger just shot up the roof but I'm able to have a little self control in me. "You still love her? Is that why? Didn't you say you love me and you chose me? What is wrong with you?!" I push Ellera away as my fists ball and my tears ready to spill. I take a deep breath and wait for her to say something but I shouldn't. "I'm done. You don't have to be with me at all. Go be with Phoebe."

I open the door and walk out. Ellera quietly calls after me but I won't turn back. It hurts enough not to look at her. It'll hurt more if I look back. I release a shaking breath and fight back the tears. How could she do this?!

I found Phoebe with her fire friends. With my built up anger I still haven't release yet. I rush to approach her. I turn Phoebe around and punch her in the face. She fell on the floor as her fire friends look shock and attack me. I also hit them and take their hit when I couldn't block it. I kick a fire user and he collapse right away then I turn my attention back to Phoebe who has stand up. She dares to laugh so I grab the collar of her shirt. She didn't defend herself, she let me abuse her and I did.

"I have killed a person today,. Don't think I won't add another one to the list!" I stomp on her stomach before getting pull away. I thought it was her fire friends but the voice stop me from throwing a punch to them.

"Duvessa! What the hell! Relax!" Zuleima say. I huff and look down at Phoebe who's clutching her stomach.

The sight of her getting own didn't satisfy me. I was going to kick her again but Zuleima pull me back.

"It's enough!" She shouts. I brush her hands off me before taking some steps back to calm myself again. I look back to see her friends helping her up. In anger, I push Zuleima away so she couldn't stop me then I charge to kick Phoebe. Her friends curse at me and some even pull me back. I push them off and kick Phoebe a few times before more people intervene and push me back. I breathe heavily as I glare at Phoebe.

Zuleima grab my hand and pull me out of there.

"What is wrong with you?!" She yells at me.

"You would've done the same if Scarlett cheated on you!" I bark back and leave.

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