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Zuleima and I check over each other's outfit. Not gonna lie, she looks hot like she is. For her hair she have slicked it back, but left a few strands loose. Maybe we should get a haircut.

"Wait, look up," she said. I look up and hear the chain dangle. "There, better,"

"Thanks," I place my hand on the back of Zuleima's shoulder blade and we start walking to the Great Hall. Today is a bit windy so I'm not going to bother holding my cloak. I'm going to let it fly and flap around.

"Welcome First and Second, the ceremony hasn't begin yet, we are still waiting for the guests, but in there we have refreshments for you, just don't go to where the others are," A teacher informs us.

Oh, so we have to avoid them until the ceremony starts.

Zuleima and I head inside and went to the back. We got our own refreshments and snacks. The teacher from yesterday told us not to mess up the outfit so I'm not going to touch the snacks yet. We talk to each other for a few minutes before being wave down by a teacher from yesterday. She comes to us in a hurry.

"So there ceremony is about to start, once you two are called to the stage, you both are going to head to your chairs, but don't sit yet. Slowly draw out your fake sword and make an X with the blade. After that, put the sword back and Duvessa will be the first to sit down then Zuleima, you will, got it?"

"Yes, we know," We tell her.

"Great, go stand by your place," she tells us then waddle away.

We laugh at her then went to our assigned ends. I hold my wrist in front of me as I look down at my outfit. Hm, maybe pink isn't too bad after all. I look up to the other side where Zuleima is standing. I shoot a soft metal shard her way and she sends her own fire ball. When both elements collide, they did a little mushroom bomb in the air then evaporate. Geez, we are going to burn this place up one day.

The announcement made me stand up straight.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your attendance here for the Monrona ceremony where you may be in luck to find your match..."

Fun fact, the Monrona ceremony is made up by a former Second, named Monrona. I don't know the actual story behind this, but she fell in love with one of her classmates, so she made this ceremony as an excuse to be close to them. The cards that had been used for this ceremony actually belong to her. They said she blessed the cards to pull two people who are destine together to be together. Funny.

"...Now, please welcome the First and Second, Zuleima and Duvessa!" That's our cue.

We walk out calmly as lights flare at us. People cheer and clap. Once we stand face to face, in front of our seats, we draw the swords. Slowly, we raise them and lower it down to each other. The blades clinks against each other and form an X. We stop for a few seconds then raise the swords back up and put it back where it belongs. I went ahead and sit down then so did Zuleima.

I look at the audience and see that some of them are either in suit or dress. One of them pops out to me so guess who it is?


She is the only one wearing white because she has no element, no color. But honestly, even herself looks undeniably beautiful.

"Now, let's not waste this day away. Let Monrona begin," The announcement declares.

The Elder pops out where I walked out from. She comes up to us and hands us blindfolds. We both put it on and wait for her to say or do something.

"Zuleima, I have a deck of cards in front of you and me. I am going to shuffle them and whenever you feel like stopping, tell me," The Elder said. Next I heard cards being shuffle. I counted thirty seconds until Zuleima said stop. "Okay, now I'm going to remove the top card all the way to the bottom, whenever you feel like it is your card, tell me to stop. Whichever card is in my hand is yours." I count the seconds again. Twenty second after, Zuleima commands stop. "You may take off your blindfold and I will give your your card, but don't look at it,"

"Okay," Zuleima say.

"Duvessa, now is your turn," The Elder said the same thing to me like she said to Zuleima. I was quick to end things and got my card. I pull the blindfold off then the Elder instruct us to put our card in our breast pocket but do not look. We follow her instructions then she hands us the deck of cards we were dealt with.

"Now that our First and Second has received their card, please, by the color of your blinds, form two lines, red for Zuleima and grey for Duvessa," everyone was quick to make a line. They were instructed to put their masks on and then we were given permission to go to them. Our duty is to just hand out the cards.

I approach the first person in my line and hand them their card. Hm, they smell like coconut and they are an earth user. I love the brown dress by the way. I continue down my line until I reach the last person. Ellera, Ellera. I smirk and grab her hand gently. I place the last card I have in her hand then drop her hand. After that, I make my way back to the first person and wait for Zuleima to finish. Once she does, we both head back to our seat.

"Now, you may take off your blindfold but do not look at your card," The people did what they were told and patiently wait. "Any minute now, I will allow you to find your match. They must match completely with your card, and since all cards has been passed, you all should get a match. If you found your match and you like them, you two can get ink. So please, First and Second, you two may take out your card and see what you have picked."

I reach into my breast pocket and pull out my card. On the card, it is something astronomical. I look over to Zuleima and she is smiling.

"For the rest of you, you may look and begin to find your match. First and Second, you may join them as well."

The search now begins. We both get up and went to find our match.

"Hey Duvessa, what do you have?" A girl asks me.

I show her my card, "Something astronomical,"

"Oh bummer, I have a tree," she gives me a smile then walk away.

I went around asking and looking but it seems no one has the same as me. Huh, where is Ellera? I haven't seen her yet. I look around for something white and found her a few feet away. I walk to her and see her in disappointment. When she saw me, she rolls her eyes.

"So what is yours?" I ask curiously.

"Why don't you tell me first," she gives me an attitude.

"Okay, on three we both show our cards," I suggest.

"Fine, but I'll do the count down," I chuckle and nod. "1, 2.... 3!" We both show each other's card and I froze. Her card matches mine. "Well, that's interesting,"

"Did you trade your card with someone else?" I accuse her. She immediately got offended.

"Tsk, of course not. You just can't accept the fact that your match is the untalented useless girl,"

"Well, what would people think of me?" I ask.

"As if I know," she sigh. I step closer to her and grabs her chin. I make her look up at me.

"This is really damaging," I said lowly. "To be matched with you, I'd say that Monrona has insulted me,"

Ellera wiggle out of my hold and rubs her red chin. "Why is your grip so hard and she probably did. I hope she did. I also hope people around us will laugh at you, even Zuleima!"

"What about me?" Zuleima comes to us. I chuckle and cross my arms.

"Guess who's my match?" I ask her. She looks from Ellera to me.

"Well isn't it obviously?" She laughs at us and then people starts looking at us three. Whispers occur and fingers point.

The Second has been matched to the non user girl.

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