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I saw everything. I saw something I shouldn't have seen. A metal user manipulating air? I am scared, honestly. How does she do that? During the event of the tornadoes, I have duck down. After the wind had stop, I look up to see only Duvessa standing. She took everyone out in a single move. What have those quests done to her? After seeing this, I don't think I know her anymore. I never knew her.

I sneak out and immediately runs into Phoebe. I grab her and drag her away from the training ground.

"Ellera, what's wrong?" She asks me. I look around for any sight of Duvessa, but glad I didn't see her.

"I saw something bizarre, Phoebe," I claim.

"What was it?"

"Duvessa can manipulate air and she didn't get affected by Thomas's electricity,"

"She's now an air user? Ellera, that is strange,"

"I know. What should we do?"

"We should go check thomas and the rest of the people to see if they're okay,"

"Phoebe, we can't risk going back there. What if Duvessa is still there?"

"Then we'll have to report this."

Phoebe and I went to the Elder and gave her every detail I saw. She was amazed rather than worry or scared. The Elder told us not to worry about it as it's not a big deal. How could she say that? A user like Duvessa is someone to fear for. Does Zuleima even knows about this?

"We should just keep quiet about this, Ellera," Phoebe suggest to me. I shake my head. "She can hurt you if she knows you've told the Elder,"

"Everyone will know sooner or later. The people she took down, they might not see what happened, but they'll remember. And I don't care if she hurts me, she has done it many times,"

Phoebe stop me from walking and turn me to her.

"I won't let her hurt you,"

"I believe you."

We continue to walk back into the main building. I don't know where to go but it'll play itself out.

"I hope you didn't forget," Phoebe breaks the silence.

"Forget what?" I ask as I think of what I'm forgetting.

"Today at three, we're welcoming new kids," ohhh.

"How many are there, do you know?"

"Roughly about two hundred,"

I smile and sigh, "I remember when I first came here. It was scary, but everyone was friendly, up until they know I couldn't manipulate elements. Til this day I still don't know what's wrong with me,"

"Maybe you are meant for bigger things,"

"Yeah, totally," I roll my eyes. "Any day now."

We both laugh and then have to part ways because Phoebe remembers she has a meeting with her fire club.

I walk myself to the library because that's where I mostly go in nowadays. If I had friends, I would hang with them. Oh Scarlett, I haven't seen her yet. She's probably with Zuleima. I feel something cold hit my back. At first I thought of Duvessa but then notice is cold water. I tense and look back. Ugh, the self proclaim water girls.

"How's that for a hot morning?" Mavi ask.

"Splendid," I give her a tight smile.

"Want more?" She blast the water ball at me when she ask. I close my eyes and wait for it to just hit me but it didn't. Was it just an act to scare me? I open my eyes and see their floating water. Who would save me?

"It's too early for this," Duvessa! I turn to look behind me. She stands there with her hand out. She's now controlling water? What are you?

"Next time then," Mavi say then I hear them walk away.

"How are you this fine morning?" She ask as she comes forward. I stand my ground and look at her, but then realize I shouldn't be near her. I look away to the floating water and study them. I even dare to touch. "It's the lack of air pressure that makes them float."


"How did you do it? You're a metal user. How can you also manipulate air?" I ask her in frustration because I can't figure it out and in fear because I fear... Her.

Instead of answering me, Duvessa just look at me. What is she doing? Suddenly she grabs my left wrist and push the sleeve up.

"Duvessa!" I try to pull back. I hate how she always force her strength onto me. Why can't she be like everyone else?! Guess some people never change.

"It's gone too," she whispers. I look at my arm and yes, the ink is gone, long gone. I bet you've just noticed that.

"Let go of me!" I push her away but she didn't budge. She held my wrist tighter. I feel like it'll break if she adds anymore pressure. "Stop," my voice cracks. "What do you want?!" I feel my eyes blur and then I hear Scarlett.

"Duvessa what are you doing? Let Ellera go!" I glare at Duvessa as her face shows no emotion. Scarlett, on the other hand, is trying to pry this freak's hand off me. Slowly, I feel her hand loose on me. I yank my hand out of her grip then take Scarlett and leave.

I hug Scarlett tightly as she rubs my back and coo me down. I hate Duvessa! I hate her!

"What happened back there?" Scarlett ask when I finally calm down.

"She looked at our ink," I tell her as I expose my left arm. "Three years ago at the Monrona, we were mates. But then after a year when her and Zuleima starts doing quest, I watch it slowly fade. The Librarian told me it's because one of us had lost feelings,"

"You liked Duvessa back then?"

I don't know. I had a feeling of missing her when she left, but later I stop caring. And then Phoebe came along and I felt something.

"Ellera," Scarlett holds my hand.

"I used to," I answer.

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