Duvessa, Zuleima vs The Water Girls

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"Is what you said is true?" The Head Council ask the Elder. "You had kept this for an awful long time. It's absolutely unacceptable."

"My apologies. I had to seek it through but she has not shown any air abilities. I don't suspect Ellera to lie either," the Elder explain.

"Ellera still hasn't possess an element. It worries me. But she claimed to witness Duvessa manipulate air. Do any one of you think she could be an energy user hiding behind the art of metal?"

"Absolutely not," the Earth Council chimes in. "We saw her grow into a fine metal user. If she were to be an energy user, she could've slip years ago. Maybe an air user helped her and that's what Ellera saw."

Some nod as they think that that may be the case.

"We all heard the rumors of elemental rings. What if Duvessa posseses the Air ring?" The Air Council ask.

"We don't even know what it looks like and yesterday they came. She doesn't have any other ring other than the Second ring," said the Earth Council.

"Duvessa is a threat," said the Head Council. "You all may not see it, but I do. She could be using Zuleima to hide herself. Which makes me think how much does Zuleima knows?"

"You're saying we can't trust our First and Second?" Ask the Water Council. "I think you all are delusional. Duvessa is a metal user. Ellera is nothing but a useless girl who fell into our hands and we can't get rid of her. She can say whatever she wants but a person with no element is like a person without a brain. In no way, Duvessa is a threat. If it's anyone, it's Zuleima."

An argument has erupted in the Council chamber. They take sides and stand behind either the First or Second. Half of them believe Duvessa is a threat and the other half believe it's Zuleima. There was no even ground on this so the Head Council shut it down quick.

"The conversation ends here. And there will not be any selfish acts to harm either the First or Second. For now, we will work on their request. The time will come to help us seek the truth."

"Zuleima!" Duvessa is hear throughout the whole building. She just got teased about Ellera not liking her back.

"You better find her," Zuleima suggest. Duvessa aim her metal to her friend and Zuleima seeing it, did a fiery kick. Her hot fire melts the weak metal. "Scarlett is back, I'm going to go!"

"Seriously? I need to tell her to stop," Duvessa sighs.

"Training at five," Zuleima points a finger at her Second then leave.

"Ugh," Duvessa looks around. She doesn't know what to do or where to go.

"Hi Duvessa," She turns around and see the air user.

"Femi, hi," Duvessa adds a smile. "Where you headed?"

"To practice with my Air club," Femi answer.

"Let me... Walk you there," she say since she had nothing to do.

"Do you like anyone?" Femi ask. Ellera pops up in Duvessa's head but she ignores it and say no. "Not even your mate?"

"Where's yours?"

"Don't have one,"

"Did you get ink?"

"I did, but I don't want to show it to anyone."

Duvessa respect her decision then a bell ring. She have to go to the coliseum.

"I have to go now. Bye," Duvessa turns away and head her way to the battle of the titles. She wonders who challenge them.

Walking outside, it is raining. She ignores it and make a run to the coliseum.

"Zuleima," Duvessa stands by her duo. A rainy day makes her uneasy. She pray to not get struck.

"Glad you made it," Zuleima gives her a smile.

Ahead of them are the water girls. Duvessa groans and they step closer to their opponents.

"We will humiliate you," one of them say.

"If both teams are ready, you may begin the battle," an announcement comes on.

Both team takes some steps back then got into a fighting stance. A horn is blow to allow them to attack each other. Hastily, Duvessa shot her element to the sky. It created a roof to shield everyone away from the rain. It caused everything to go dark except for Zuleima's bright purple fire. Lights immediately turns on and shine in the duo and trio.

Shortly, both teams are shooting elements at each other. The water girls seems to specifically targeting Zuleima. Their icicles are melted by her hot fire.

"Now!" Mavi shout at her girls. They change their attacks to Duvessa. Easily, Duvessa put up a wall to absorb the attacks. Zuleima was fast to take their attack away from the metal user. Duvessa sighs and look to her right, which is where the audience is. Which is where she held eye contact with Ellera. For the first time, she is distracted in battle. Duvessa felt the time move slow now that they're staring at each other.

Zuleima dodge a water ball and hiding behind the wall Duvessa haven't put down.

"Duvessa!" She turns her friend's head to look at her. "We're in a battle!"

Duvessa snaps out and kick the wall. She transform them into light metal. It travels fast and hit their opponents. One got knock down and crawl away to recover.

"Again!" Mavi commands. Two third of the water girls charge attacks on Duvessa. She flawlessly dodge every attack and Zuleima's fire takes the two of them out.

Duvessa pulls out the liquify metal and felt something cut her arm. She hisses and look at the girl she took out first.

Duvessa stomps and immediately cage the water girls. With them caged, they can no longer attack. Zuleima brings out her tainted fire, ready to cook them but Mavi yells surrender.

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