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"Ezekiel!" I am so relieved he saved me. "Where are we going?"

"Away from here," he answer.

"We got to help Duvessa! She was kicked off the cliff!"

"Ellera... She might be gone."

"No! We have to go check!"

Something crash into us or we crash into something.

"Phoebe! Are you okay?!" Phoebe? I look away and see Phoebe and Femi. She helps her up and when Phoebe saw me, she smiles.


"Why are you here?" I ask.

"To help you," she answer and she comes forward. Ezekiel steps back.

"Should we trust them?" He whisper to me.

"Put me down," I request. Once he do, I step towards them. "Why help me?"

"Everyone is looking for you, Ellera. I care about you so I was the first to come here to help but then I couldn't find you until now," she explains. Should I even trust her?

"Go back to the village, you can't be here and I don't want to see you," I tell her then walk away. My hand is pull back.

"The village is burnt down by Zuleima and the others," I gasp and look at Ezekiel. He looks as shock as me.

"What about the people in there?!" I ask for more information.

"They were slain. We saw Zuleima burn a bunch of people alive."

Martha... No, she should be fine.

"I'm going back to check," Ezekiel say. I stop him.

"Maybe Martha is safe. Zuleima wouldn't hurt her. She's like a mother to Scarlett," I try to coo him.

"If you're talking about that old lady, she's dead," Femi said it so casually. "We saw everything. Everyone got slain."

"Ellera," Ezekiel's voice cracks and he covers his face. No... I pull him for a hug and he cries out loud.

"Don't cry Ezek."

"I am going to murder Zuleima! Martha did nothing!" He pulls away and ball his fist.

"We have to get out of here. It's not safe to go back. And Duvessa, we need to help her."

"What happened to Duvessa? Where is she?" Femi ask.

"She fell off a cliff,"

Femi gasp and covers her mouth. "What are we waiting for?! Let's go find her!"

When we reach below the cliff, we separate so we can find Duvessa easier. Around my area, I see broken branches and some blood. Duvessa is here somewhere. I only had to walk a few steps to see her laying on the ground. I rush to her side and check on her. She... She's not fine.

"Duvessa," I whisper as I didn't dare to touch her because I'm afraid of hurting her. Duvessa didn't answer so I gently turn her on her back. The sight horrors me. Her face had been scratched, hit by the tree branches. Her arms are... I don't want to look at them. "Duvessa?" I hear a little noise. She can hear me. "Ezekiel, over here!!!" I yell not caring if Zuleima and the others are near. If they do come, I will kill them!

Ezekiel gently pick Duvessa up then he lead us away. About twenty minutes later, he stomps on the ground and that made a house for us. We step in then Ezek went to lay Duvessa down. He touch her neck, her shoulders, her ribs, her horribly burnt arms, legs, feet, and her back.

"Ellera," he looks at me after touching Duvessa. "It's critical. We need a nurse or healer."

"Maybe I can heal," I suggest.

"Have you learn about healing?" He ask. "We need a water user, not a fire user, not an air user, and not an earth user."

"No. I don't know." I sigh.

"If we don't find anyone quick, Duvessa will die," no.

"I'm heading out. Stay and watch her!" I command as I get up and leave. Phoebe calls after me and decides to follow me.

How can I find a healer in Colos? I don't know if they're nice or mean. They could probably want to kill us if they see us. But it's for Duvessa. Anything for Duvessa.

"Ellera..." Phoebe call from behind me. I sigh and ignore her. "Ellera."

"Stop distracting me and look around for help!" I scold her. She stops talking.

Two hours of searching, we came upon a house. I quickly went to go knock on the door.

"Who is it?!" Someone yells from inside. It's a woman.

"I... Hi, I'm Ellera and I hope I can get some help. I'm also with a friend, her name is Phoebe," I introduce ourselves.

"Why are you here?! What help?"

"We were escaping some bad people. My other friend got burnt really bad and she also fell off a cliff. Right now, it's death or life so I'm searching for a healer,"

"I am not a healer, but over the next mountain by the stream, Lennox is our healer. Tell him Saph send you,"

"Thank you, Saph." I look to Phoebe and she nods.

We head over the next mountain like she said and looking down below, I can see water. That's the stream she talked about. I hurry down and didn't wait for Phoebe. It took us a good twenty minutes to get to the stream.

I stop walking. I see bodies in the water. Are they dead? Was there a fight here?

"Watch out!" I got push to the ground and look around. There's a water user ahead of us. He's got water around him, ready to attack.

"Who are you?!" He asks.

I get on my knees and raise my hands. "Are you Lennox, if so I need help. Saph sent me here!"

He drops his element and comes forward in worries.

"Did something happened to her? Who are you guys?" He ask. I quickly introduce myself and Phoebe and what happened. "Then we must go."

"Please hurry, my friend don't have much time," I tell him.

Phoebe and I took Lennox back to the hideout we're resting. Once we got inside, Lennox looks at each of us. He's cautious that we might harm him but we won't.

"Let's give them some room and go outside," I tell them. After they all left I choose to stay. In case if he does anything to Duvessa.

"Her arms... What fire user can do this?" He question as he gently touch Duvessa's arms.

"White flames," I answer.

"I have never seen anyone possessing white flames," Lennox closes his eyes and continue his healing. After awhile he sighs. "I've healed her broken bones but her arms. They have to come off."

"But she needs them," I protest.

"I know. Everyone needs their arms but hers can't be heal. It's useless now,"

"Then let her make the decision," he thinks about it then nods.

"Whether your friend wants it or not, her arms can't help her anymore."

All of us watch over Duvessa. I couldn't keep still and walk around. For the first time she shows some signs of waking up. She groans in pain.

"Stop the pain! Please!" She yells. "Make it stop!"

Lennox comes over and sigh. "Listen kid. I can stop the pain, but it'll cost your arms. Do you wish for it?"

"I don't care... Just... Stop the pain..."

Lennox summons water and solidify it. I can't look. I turn away before hearing the screams of agony from Duvessa.

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