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Duvessa looks hurt the whole time. But she continues to read poems to me and did everything I asked for. I now feel guilty. I want to assure her that I'm not mad but part of me is.

"I'm going to rest for a bit," I tell her, hoping she'd leave if I ignore her.

"Alright," she said softly then press a button so the bed goes back to being flat. I carefully turn away from her then hug a pillow. Duvessa continues to read to me. I just hope Phoebe would come. I can't share the same room with Duvessa because I can't look at her at all. Not towards being cruel, but I know I would lose myself if I stare into her grey eyes. I sigh and my eyes got watery. "Are you feeling any pain?"

"N-No," I answer her. I just feel emotional right now.

"You're safe, Ellera," I close my eyes and nod.

I'm safe.

I woke up and look around the room. Duvessa isn't here, but Phoebe is. I want to smile but I can't. Phoebe smiles at me and hold my hand.

"How's the nap?" She ask.

"It was good," I answer. "Can I get some water?"

"Of course," she went to the table and pour water into a cup then come back to me. Phoebe helps me drink some water to satisfy my thirst then sit back down.

"I like the ring," she comments. I look at my hand and nod. The ring's color looks lighter. "Where did you get it?"

"I... Found it in a crack at home," I lie. If Phoebe knows, she'll make me take it off. And I shouldn't wear any of Duvessa's rings, but I want to. I want something to remind me of her so I can hurt my fragile heart.

"Did Duvessa do something to you? You don't look well,"

"Phoebe, can you go get Scarlett for me?" I ask.


Once I saw Scarlett walk in, my tears build up and they fall. Her face turns sad and rush to me. I hug Scarlett tightly and cry on her stomach.

"Ellera, what happened? Did Duvessa do something to you?" She asks. I shake my head.

"What's wrong? Can you tell me?" She caress my head.

"I hate myself," my muffle voice is barely heard.

"I'll leave you two alone," Phoebe say then the door close.

I pull away and Scarlett wipe my tears away. I sniff and let her go. She sits down and hold my hand.

"What's the issue here?" She asks.

"I love Duvessa too," I say it quiet enough for only Scarlett to hear. She hugs me again and I rest my head on her shoulder. "I don't know what to do, Scarlett. I don't want to hurt anyone or myself."

"It's okay, Ellera. You don't have to know right now," she rubs my back and didn't stop.

"How are you?"

"I'm great. Just watching Zuleima."

"Is Duvessa there too?"

"Yes, they're secretly talking to each other. I wanted to know but it must be important." I let out a little laugh then pull away from her.

"Who was that lady?" I ask. I still don't know what even happened. During the event, I found Scarlett injured in the restroom. She told me to stay and I try to stop her from going out but I couldn't. When I heard people panicking. I wanted to run too but then I remember that whatever happens, the First and Second has to be present. I follow after Scarlett but when I notice how defeat those three are, I didn't dare to show myself. Up until Duvessa was going to get hurt again. I figure to give her a little rest she'll figure something else and she did.

"She's Kayla. She was the woman who put everyone to sleep," Scarlett tells me. Oh, I remember. She is strong. "Don't worry about it anymore Ellera. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I might sign out later,"

"Sounds good."

A week has passed since the incident. I learn that Kayla... Died from the poisoning from Duvessa. It's horrible. But she deserves it. We did nothing to her and she attacked us. I also have been avoiding both Duvessa and Phoebe. Honestly, I can't deal with them right now. My emotions are all over the place and I'm getting a lot of second thoughts.

"Ellera, can you put these books back to where they belong?" The librarian came to me with a cart. There were a few so I accept it. "And please, be careful."

"I will and don't worry, if anything happens you will never be responsible for it," I pick up the books and head to put them in their places.

Passing a shelf, I see Duvessa. Quickly, I hide and peek out. She seems focus. I watch her and she use the stairs to go up to the First and Second Library. I wonder what she's getting. Ugh, I have to avoid being seen too.

After putting the books back, I head to tell the Librarian that I'll be leaving. She allows me but request something first.

"Duvessa gave me another list again. Would you fulfill it before you go?"

"I guess I can." The librarian hand me a sheet of paper and I take it. These... These aren't the books I can get. They're in the First and Second collection.

I return to tell the Librarian about it but she just tell me to go up there. Didn't I see Duvessa go up there earlier? Maybe she already left.

But wow, what a sight this would be.

I head up to the First and Second collection, which is the top floor. When I got to the door, I notice it's prop open. I walk in and look at the paper.

"Art of Electricity Ninety eighth edition. What?" Why does she want to know about this? I went to the shelves that contains the element: Electricity. I scan through the books and can't find it. I even look through the other side. Okay, whatever. Let's try the next one. "Find Romance with your Soulmate."

Isn't this an exotic book?

"Ellera," I jump and swiftly turn around. My back hits the shelf and Duvessa reach her hands out. She caught some books but now she's standing too close. I sink down a bit as I wait for her to give me space but she didn't. "How are you?"

"Uh, good," my cheeks heat up and I look away. She even dare to chuckle.

"You came," I look up into her grey eyes. It's a mistake because how can I look away now?

"You told the librarian to send me here?"

"How else would I get to see you?" I don't know. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, and you?"

"Would you believe what I'm about to tell you?"

"I'll have to hear it first," I give her a smile. She returns it back.

"I... Couldn't stop thinking about you. I missed you," My heart melt. Never have I thought I would hear it from her. It sounds nice.

"I... Missed you too," I tell her. I'm being truthful here. Only her ring was able to keep me company.

"Scarlett shouldn't have told me this but she did. You love me," I open my mouth and close it. "Is it true?"

"I... Let me think about it," we stay quiet until she cup my cheeks. I hold her hands and wait for what's next.

If you kiss me right now. I will kiss you hard, rough like you're all I need, Duvessa.

I waited but she didn't kiss me. Her thumbs stroke my cheeks gently so I just close my eyes.

"I'm glad you came," she say. I open my eyes and meet her grey one once again. They're beautiful.


"I love you, Ellera. I just didn't know before but now I do. I can't hide it anymore. I have to let you know before it's too late for me,"

"Well... Isn't it too late?" I question her. She shakes her head which makes me smile. I pull Duvessa into a hug and sigh in relief.

What's going to happen to me now?

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