Beauty Sleep

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Coming back to the building of the First and Second, Zuleima hands Duvessa a medal.

"What's this?" Duvessa ask as she examines it.

"Part of the reward, we can keep a wall of it," Zuleima laughs.

"What about the rest?"

"They put some money in our accounts, ten thousand,"


"Do you want to train?"

"I'd love to,"

The both of them head to their training ground and begin attacking each other. It wasn't for fun like how it used to be. It was out of an unknown rage.

After two hours of training, not a single one of them break a sweat. They both aren't even breathing heavily. Duvessa and Zuleima summon their own weapon and clash against each other. If people saw them, they would think that they're crazy.

"Stop! Stop right now!" A voice made them stop. They look to the door and see Scarlett walking towards them. "I thought I had extracted every ounce of darkness in both of you!"

She sounds angry, but more to herself. As she stands beside both of them, she put her hands on her hips. After thinking, she cups Duvessa's cheek and extract the darkness. After that she puts a little light in Duvessa's body.

"Duvessa could you leave?" Scarlett request.

"Thank you, Scarlett. I was scared when I woke up looking like this," Duvessa gives her a smile then run out.

Zuleima looks mad. She glares at Scarlett and Scarlett glares back.

"What are you mad about?" Scarlett ask as she looks on Zuleima's body for the infection. Once she lift up the shirt, she found it. Scarlett rest her hand on the First's abdomen. She can feel Zuleima flexing her abs. "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"Is it working?" Zuleima asks.

"I thought I made myself clear, I don't like fire users," Scarlett smirks as she looks into Zuleima's eyes. She can see the darkness in her eyes beginning to fade.

"We can make an exception," Zuleima say then lean forward.

"Uh uh uh, what are you doing?" Scarlett push Zuleima back. "I'm just here because the Elder called me about you and Duvessa,"

"Thanks for coming then, are you going to leave after this?"

"Will you try to stop me?"

"I can show you places you've never seen,"

"Like what? I have seen everything there is to see,"

"Alright then, but I would appreciate it if you could stay a few more days... To see if we are still infected,"

"I like your excuse," Scarlett shoot her element inside Zuleima. "I'll do it. What can hurt?"

Because of Duvessa and Zuleima's competency of completing a quest, the council have prepare a music show for them.

Starting at six pm, everyone went to the theater. Duvessa, Zuleima, along with their guest Scarlett are seated at where the First and Second seats are.

"So I saw a girl with no color, what is she?" Scarlett asks. Duvessa laughs and cross her leg.

"Her name is Ellera, she's elementless," Duvessa answer the question.

"That is strange, I have never heard such case about that,"

"Neither did us," Zuleima chimes in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here. Please give it up for your First and Second, who bravely went and capture a rare user, the dark user. For their reward, the councils have invited the musical players to entertain you all, please give it up for Kayla!" Everyone clap as a woman dress in red walk her way to the mic that's in the middle of the stage.

"I heard she's singing opera," Duvessa tells Zuleima.

"Opera? I have never heard of it," Zuleima conversate back.

Their conversation were interrupt by the loud, yet beautiful voice of the woman. They lean back and smile. Even though the words aren't understandable, they can sense the beauty in it.

Minutes later, everyone's eyes start getting heavy. They slouch on their chair and rest their head against each other. Slowly as minutes goes by, everyone have fallen asleep. Scarlett notice this and pretend to act along. After Kayla stops, everyone had enter their beauty sleep.

"Rest well, District five," Kayla say then leave the stage.

Scarlett makes sure everything is safe enough before moving. Nothing but silence fills the room. She can't comprehend what just happened but she can tell a spell is put upon them. Scarlett sit up right and turn to Zuleima. Her hand grabs Zuleima's shoulder before shaking her.

"Zuleima! Wake up!" Scarlett hisses. Still, Zuleima didn't respond. She reach over and shake Duvessa by her knee. "Duvessa, are you asleep?!" Both of them are deep in their sleep. Scarlett tries to wake Zuleima up again, she slaps her but not too hard. Again, she doesn't even wince or stir. "Ugh, wake up!" Scarlett slaps Zuleima's thigh.

Scarlett thinks about other ways she could help wake one or two of them up. She search her pockets and feel something. Pulling whatever it is out, she remembers her moon water. It's to cleanse her from all the darkness she has taken. Scarlett doesn't know if it could help, but she gave it a try. She opens Zuleima's mouth and pour in the remaining moon water, which was just a little. She fears that it may not work, but she's going to try again. Scarlett shakes Zuleima and hit her as much as possible so she could snap Zuleima out of her sleep.

After three minutes of trying, she gives up. What could she do now? She sigh and look down as she think, but then she hears a groan.

"Ow..." It was a groan from Zuleima.

"Finally you're up!" Scarlett cups Zuleima's cheeks. "Look at me,"

"Scarlett, what is it? Am I dreaming?" Zuleima seems so disoriented as she looks around. Scarlett pinches Zuleima's inner thigh and she yelps. "What was that for?!"

"Everyone including you, were put into a sleeping spell," she tells the First.

"Really? But we were watching the lady Kayla perform,"

"That was probably in your dreams but get up, we have to find her to undo this spell."

Zuleima got pull up and drag out of the theater.

"I need you to focus, Zuleima, we have an enemy under our roof,"

"I know, but I'm... Tired,"

"Well just open your eyes!"

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