Poetry (P2)

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"One more?" Phoebe ask. I couldn't help but to give her another kiss.

"Alright enough, I will see you later. Be care of your stunts," I tell her.

"You stay out of trouble too," I nod then she heads into her fire club room.

"Ellera?" Duvessa. I turn around and look at her.

"You feel better?" I ask her. She nods and take a step closer.

"Can I talk to you?" Um. We shouldn't. "It's important." What could that be?

"Okay," I said quietly.

"Privately," she adds.

I follow Duvessa to one of her private lounge. We both sit down and I am jealous of them. I would love a room like this. Wait, she has a book in her hand.

"What is that?" I ask.

"This? It's poetry," she shows me the book. Duvessa holds the book by its back then with her free hand, she thumbs the edge of the pages. I watch it rapidly flip then she stops at a random page. She opens it then looks at me. "Hello beautiful stars written by Michael Faudet. Magic tumbled from her pretty lips, and when she spoke the language of the universe the stars sighed in unison."

"That is... Read it again," I request. I want to hear it again because it somehow touched me.

"Magic tumbled from her lips, and when she spoke the language of the universe the stars sighed in unison,"

I take a deep breath and sigh it out. It is lovely. The girl in the poem must be beautiful to make the stars feel moved.

"Want another one?" Duvessa ask.

"Yes," I nod with my answer. She slowly tilt herself to face me. I watch as she turns to a random page. "Have you read it all?"

"No, I just started," She looks at the page then sigh. "If I were the sun, by Chirsty Ann Martine. If I were the sun and you were the sky, I'd never set. I'd hover above the edge of the water waiting for you to shine your stars on me so I could become bigger than what I am. I am brighter when I'm with you." Duvessa looks up at me and repeat the last sentence of the poem.

I smile.

"Can I read you one?" I ask her.

"You'll ruin it for me but go ahead," I scoff as she leans back. I randomly turn to a page.

"This one is for you Duvessa. We are born with softness, and it's important to grow into it. Do not let the world turn your heart cold. Courtney Peppernell. "

She sigh and rubs her thigh. "I'm not cold hearted." The book flies out of my hand onto the floor. I feel her warm hand grab onto my jaw and it hurts. "You told the Elder about my secondary element, did you not?" I grab her wrist and try to get push her hand away from my face but she held tighter. So you can manipulate air! I wince before she push me down onto the couch and get on top of me. I struggle against her, can't be able to tell her to stop. We stare at each other before she loosen her grip.

"I'm sorry," I apologize. If Duvessa wants, she can kill me right now. She had lured me here and I took the bait. Was this what you said was important?

"You're such a fool," she let go and gets up. I rub my jaw. Surely, it's red. Duvessa went to pick up her book then stand beside me. "I can't believe the Elder would believe words coming from you too. What should I do with you, Ellera?" I stay silent as I sit up. I scrunch my face when she hits my forehead with the book. "I can control air because of an elemental ring. Have you heard of it?"

Elemental ring? I look at her hands and there's a dark emerald ring on her middle finger. That causes her to manipulate air?

"I haven't heard of such thing," I respond to her.

"Don't tell this to anyone else. It seems only you know my secrets. And don't you try to blackmail me, it won't work," ugh, as if I can. Duvessa pulls the ring off her finger then toss it to me. I catch it then view it. There's a beautiful carve to it, but what if? I slide it into my finger then points at Duvessa. I want a gush of air to fly and hit her face. We both wait but nothing happen. Duvessa burst into laughter.

"Do you know how frustrating it is?" I ask her. "Maybe I should put you in my shoes. I dare you to go a day without using any element, metal and air!"

"That's easy," she smiles and sit down with me. "Read me more poems, you voice is so fitting." She hands me the book and I take it. She didn't even ask for the ring back which I hope she forgets so I get to keep it.

"Why'd you take off my Second ring?" She ask a question after I have read her a few poems.

"I'll keep this one instead," I like this one better.

"Seriously," she push the book down and turn me to face her. Our faces are so close to each other.

"I don't want it," I say. Duvessa sighs but she didn't break our eye contact.

"We're mates," she whisper. Her eyes drops down, probably to my lips. I also look at hers. I wouldn't risk it.

"I have someone else," I softly tell her.

"You're defying Monrona?"

"She insulted us," I look up to her eyes again. I swallow hard. "Just like you once said."

"Did your feelings died?"

"Feelings don't die, Duvessa. They're forgotten until it's remember." We stay silent for a few seconds before she leans in. I thought of closing my eyes and just let her but I can't. I turn away and my eyes got watery. "I have to go."

"Keep it safe for me, would you?" I think that she means the ring so I nod. We both stand up and she guide me out.

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