40) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin bieber...

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“I know where she is.” Khloe snapped at me and scowled, storming up to me and thrusting the piece of paper into my chest, before taking Chaz by the shirt and dragging him back inside their room. The paper fell from my chest, so I picked it up off of the carpet and un-scrunched it carefully.

It read:

“Dear Justin,

I love you SO much, and I’ve loved you since the day we bumped into each other, in that hotel in Sydney. You were so great to me... I really DID love you. You are my world, Justin; it pains me to have to leave. I wish you knew how much I love you... I took money out of your wallet that I WILL find a way to pay back... I’m going home.

Love always, Melani Mackenzie Starke.”

I burst into tears and my sobs filled the hallway. I slammed my back against the dry wall and slid down, clutching the note to my chest, my head in between my knees. Suddenly, Khloe and Chaz’s door opened and a pair of red Nike’s stood in front of me.

“Are you just gonna sit there, or are you gonna catch her before she leaves?!” Chaz’s voice sounded from above me. “C’mon dude, I’ll drive you to Latina airport.” He held his right hand out and I looked up, clutching his wrist and pulling myself up - with his assistance. He’s right, I gotta at least TRY and get her back... Sitting here feeling sorry for myself is NEVER going to help.





CHAPTER 40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chaz drove as fast as the speed limit would let him, but the tour bus still seemed AMAZINGLY sluggish.

“I’m TRYING, Justin... I’m trying. Stop bouncing about.”

“I know, I know... It’s just I’m nervous... I can’t let Melly go back to Sydney...” My voice broke and Chaz sighed.

“I can imagine... I’d do the same for Khloe...”

“She’s your everything...” I asked, but it sounded more like a statement than a question.

“You bet... I... I’m gonna ask her to marry me...”

“Yeah... Wait, WHAT?!”

“I-I mean, I’m gonna ask her to like, get promised to me... So, as soon as we’re old enough... We’ll... Get married...” Chaz had trouble focusing on the road and not on daydreaming about Khloe, obviously; because he blinked furiously and focused on the road again, as if nothing happened.

“I think you should do it... You guys ARE getting pretty serious...”

“Ha. Yeah, but she’ll be naming the kids after her outburst after Melani left today... I’m not gonna be the one to argue... She’s FEISTY, dude...” ‘And sexy’, I could imagine him saying. “We’re here!” He violently pulled up into a parking spot and I practically threw myself out of the car and towards the airport.


I raced through Customs -After all, I WAS Justin Bieber-, and into the terminal for International flights. I saw a girl that looked like Melly from behind, but when she turned around it was a completely different person. I ran through viciously and found like, five other look-a-likes before I decided to look at the flight board. There was only one flight to Sydney - That must be hers. She wouldn’t wait until the next day for a flight. I read the details of the flight and it was at gate... 53, and the status was.... SOMETHING ITALIAN -____-... I THINK THAT MEANS BOARDING! Crap! I saw a huge lit up ‘52’, and a ‘53’. Unfortunately, the airport was packed so I had to push people out of the way -Nicely- So I could run as fast as I could to it.

“MELANI!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. I couldn’t see anything of gate 53 through the huge crowd - Just my luck. “MELANI!?” I was halfway to the gate. Eventually, I was close to the gate and my heart was beating a mile a minute. “MELANI!?”


The lady said something into the microphone and my ears picked out ‘Sydney’. I guessed it meant my flight was boarding... Oh yeah, and the fact that people were lining up... kinda gave it away. I joined the line when I swore, I heard Justin yelling my name. I’m going insane... The tears that had been falling non-stop for the most of today fell faster and more frequent at the sound of his voice again.

“MELANI?!” ...Yep, I’m going insane. I briefly scanned the crowd near me - No Justin. I sighed and got my ticket out of my pocket. I was about three people away when I heard it again.

“MELANI?!” No, that was definitely Justin. It had to be. But what would he be doing here? I’m just some girl to him now, I’m sure of it... I scanned the crowd again, but still saw nothing. The lady said something to me and I saw that the people in front of me had already past through. I walked the few steps towards her and was about to hand her my ticket when I heard Justin again, but louder and closer than ever.

“MELANI!” I looked to where it came from and barely saw him through the crowd; He had tears running down his face and his eyes were red. My heart shattered when I saw him, and he ran towards me. “Melly! Please, PLEASE don’t go!” He grabbed onto my hand and my heart skipped a beat as he pulled me out of the line and into a huge hug. “Please don’t leave me...”

“I-I thought-” My voice broke mid-sentence. You have betrayed me, vocal cords! His face snapped into an expression of recognition.

“No, Melly, no! I’d never think that! I KNOW you love me, and I love you too... You’re my whole world, Starkey.” He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. “I’m never letting you go again, okay?” A tear or two fell from his eyes and I felt tears roll down my own cheeks too.


AN: Now, hows THAT for DRAMA?!

Whoooooo liked it?!

Chaz: “I DID, I DID!”

Me: “Yeah, I BET you did... *smirks*”

Chaz: *Blushes*



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