16) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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Christian heard Imogen begin to open the dryer he was in and he held his breath. It opened and he jumped out.

"RAWR!" He yelled, and Imogen screamed her lungs out. Her expression was unforgettable; Christian was glad he was taping this.

"OH MY GOD CHRISTIAN, WHAT THE HELL?!" She shrieked and slapped him.

It was SO worth it...


Christian logged onto his youtube account and uploaded the video, before deciding to browse around youtube. He found some random videos of a cockatoo dancing to Willow Smith's "Whip my hair", and everytime the cockatoo whipped it's head around super fast, he was sent into a fit of laughter. He looked back on his video and saw tons of comments about some video of him on another channel. He looked it up in the search bar and found a video uploaded by Imogen. It was of him, when he got doused in orange juice as a result of one of Imogen's pranks. He had to admit, the look on his face was pretty funny, but the video was quickly becoming viral. He commented on the video:

"I get payback: *insert youtube link here* Imogen, this is WAR!"


Within an hour, his video was viral. Everyone was already asking Imogen to post another prank against him. Knowing Imogen, he should be scared.

VERY scared...

"You coming to tonight's concert, Ims?" Justin asked.

"Nah, I think I'll stay here with Christian...Thanks, though." She smiled innocently.

"It's okay... Wait, are you two back together now...?"

"Uh... I guess you could say that..."

"Oh... Mmkay, I'll see ya later, Ims..." Justin trailed, walking down the hall down to Melani's door.

"Hey babe, you coming tonight?" Justin yelled, and pressed his ear up to the door.

"Of COURSE I'm coming, Jay!" Melani opened the door and Justin fell into the room, pulling Melani down as he fell to the ground.

(AN: Just making this clear, in case-He didn't mean to pull her down) ;)

"Sorry Justin! I didn't know you were leaning against the door!" Melani yelped, and Justin laughed.

"It's okay, Mels..."

"Good. Now can you get off of me? I kwwiinda can't breathe..." Melani gasped for air.

"Oh my gosh! Sorry Mels!" Justin rolled off Melani and she laughed.

"I guess we're even, Bieber."

"Yeah, KINDA." He laughed.


Imogen snuck through the hall, pressing her back up against the wall like a ninja.


All this prank needed was a sleeping Christian Beadles and a glass of warm water...

She opened he door slowly, cautious of any creaks. Luckily, the door was soundless and allowed her to set up her camera across the room from him, slightly behind a vase, and put the glass of water next to Christian's bed. She (ever so carefully) placed Christian's hand in the glass and raced out of the room.

'Mason better be right when she says this works...' Imogen thought, and walked back to her room and flopped onto her bed, grabbing her blow-horn-can in the process.

'An hour should be long enough...' Imogen read the can nonchalantly.

'Then I'll wake him up and see if it actually worked.' Imogen laughed evilly.


Imogen walked slowly into Christian's room and held the can out as far away from her head as her arms would let her. She pressed the button and held it down, a huge noise blaring through his room

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now