28) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber

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“That’s it! Scooter, no more Red bull for the kids!” Kenny yelled, “This is insane! Chaz is almost passed out on the floor, Khloe’s about to make out with the wall, Ryan, Emily and Em are singing to the pot plants, and Justin and Melani are just standing there... Staring and giggling at each other! I mean, they’re not even talkin- SCOOTER!” Kenny gasped angrily and Scooter turned around with a huge grin on his face and his hands behind his back.

“That’s MY name...” Scooter’s eyes widened and he laughed uncontrollably.

‘Oh heck, if you can’t beat em’, join em’.’ Kenny thought, and grabbed a can of Red bull out of the fridge.


"So, Ryan..." Emily slurred as her body wavered dizzily, "Doya like rainbows, by any chancccce?" She leant her head back and took another huge gulp of her red bull.

"I dunno, do youuu?" Ryan closed his eyes and shook his head quickly. "Dun answer dat. Exactwly how many cans have YOU had? ...I've had SIX, babiiieeee..." He leant up against the wall next to him for support, and Emily did the same.

"Lost count at seven, sexay thang!" She winked at him and he covered his cheeks dramatically.

"Aw, shucks! You arrre makin moi blushh, pweettayy gal!" Ryan chuckled hyperactively and Emily pecked him on the lips.

"You're sexier than... Why yas, I do happen to have fingers... Ten, exactly. How many do YOU have?!"

"OH MY GAWWWD, we have SO much in common-I have ten too!" Ryan and Emily squealed and jumped around like pink-covered bimbos.

"You're meeeannn." Christian grimaced at Melani.

"Hey! Don't go cawlin my sexay bitch 'mean'! ...You're a LIARR." Justin wrapped his arms around Melani's waist from behind and scowled at Christian. Melani cackles and stuck her tongue out at Christian childishly.

"But she called mwee SHORTERORT!" Christian whined, jumping up and down like a five year old. Justin looked at Melani disapprovingly.

"Is this true?" He raised an eyebrow and Melani looked at her feet, nodding slowly.

"Hi five!" Justin let go of Melani and held his arm out for her to hi five. They both smiled and hi fived each other.

"Dudeses! Noart coowell!" Christian crossed his arms angrily.

"Nyeh, Nyeh... Go away noaw so wie can make out wif Melwanii!" Justin grinned hugely and Melani laughed evilly.

"Yea, Chris, FLY! Be free!" Melani giggled and shooed him with her hands, making him scoff.

"Fine. I'll mwake aout wit Imogen, DEN." Christian flipped his hair dramatically while turning in the opposite direction and stomping his foot. He stormed off and Justin gently pulled Melani by the elbow to the corner of the room. He kissed her gently, but within what felt like seconds, he licked her lips, asking for entry. Melani gladly opened her mouth and he slipped his tongue in.

"Moo mamse mimpy" she mumbled into his mouth. He pulled away hesitantly for a second.


"I said 'You taste minty'..." She smiled at him and he kissed her again.

"Fargert the wall and come kwiss me, Khloe!" Chaz gestured for her to come with his hands. He was still lying on his back on the floor. What?! It was comfy!

"I accept that offerer!" She perked up and skipped over to behind the couch where he was lying. She got on top of him, using her elbows to support her weight. Which wasn't very much, by. The. Way. *hmph*. she leant down and kissed him, and it quickly turned into another make out session. Chaz rolled over so that he was on top of Khloe.

"OIIII! No underage sex! Especially in PUBLIC!" Melani yelled from across the room.

"You can tawlk! Justin's gotcha pinned urp against deh wall!" Khloe laughed, and went back to making out with Chaz.

"What-EVER!" Melani rolled her eyes and went back to making out with her own boyfriend.

"I feel outta place. Let's make out." Ryan looked over to Emily, who was now sitting next to him on the couch.

"Yes pa-lease!" Emily immediately scooted over and started making out with Ryan.

Em looked around the room and sculler what was left of her Red Bull.

"I NEED a boyfriend..."


AN: If I ever meet Justin Bieber, the first question I will ask him is:

"Why do you touch your balls so much?! Like, seriously. Every five seconds, there you are, cuppin' ya candy! Like, 'Hey, I'm *touches balls* Justin. *gets up from seat while touching balls* Nice to meet cha! *touches balls then shakes hand*'"

I REALLY wanna know what he would say... He'd probably change the subject... To something like...

J: "Uhhhmm... Uhhh.... W-What's your favourite song? *shifty eyes* *touches balls*"

Me: "Oh! 'Oh la la' by JRandall featuring Akon!"

J: "Not any of my songs? *sad face* *touches balls*"

Me: "You didn't answer my question, so your songs don't count, BUUDDDYYY!"

J: "I like the colour purple. *touches balls*"

Ahh, Justin Bieber... Thank him, my minions, for this story would not have been made if it were not for him and his Sexy locks. *cough* Sexy Jocks *cough*

...Who gets that?! XD I'm just too funny... ;))

Love you awwl! <no sumo!>

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now