46) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and...

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When we eventually got our order and sat at an empty table, I spied a watch on Justin’s wrist.

“Is that Italian time?” I pointed to his wrist and he nodded, opening the paper bag. I snatched his wrist and chuckled evilly as I read it. 9:35. 10 minutes. We better hurry up and eat; the cinemas are on the other side of the shopping centre. AND Scooter and Kenny were ALWAYS early. To everything. Even doctors appointments, even though we all know when they say “2pm,” they mean “2-THIRTY pm.”

“Goshes! Gotta hurry! Ten minutes!” I quickly opened my burger box and began eating straight away.





“Oh, shiz on a stick!” He dug into his food, but his words made me freeze and look at him like he was mad. He finished his burger and was about to start hoeing into the French fries when he saw my face.

“What?” He stuffed a handful of chips into his mouth. I shook my head and followed his lead, starting by devouring my Big Mac. Ah, Macca’s special sauce… Mm…


We had run through the shopping centre after we finished eating (and sculling coke), which unfortunately earnt us stitches on our stomachs.

“Owwie!” Justin complained like a little girl and clutched his stomach. Which, I may have done also. *shifty eyes* The moment we began to recover, the whole gang strutted in through the auto doors. They smiled when they saw us, and I noticed there wasn’t any signs of the random translator-person. Who’s name I may have forgotten.

“Where’s the translator-dude?” I asked Scooter.

“I couldn’t get a hold of him. And when I asked Imogen for your number so I could text you to tell you, she said that she could translate.”

“Um… Scooter… You know you could’ve just pressed ‘reply’, to reply to my message, right?” I giggled and his mouth turned into a little ‘o’.

“Oh…” He finally managed after a few moments of silence. Scooter ended up sounding like Paris Hilton, and I wasn’t the only one who noticed; laughter erupted through our group.

“What do we wanna see?” Justin asked, and we turned towards the registers, looking at the big screen above it. Surprise! It was written in Italian, so we turned to Imogen and looked at her expectantly. She read the movies that were playing within half an hour and we ended up with the favourites ‘I am number four’, and ‘Hall pass’.

“Who votes for hall pass?” Hands went up throughout our group and Scooter counted the hands. 

“I feel like we’re in Kindergarten again…” Emily giggled.

“And for I am number four?” He counted again, “I am number four wins!” Action + Dianna Agron = Huge hit.

We got the tickets –with the much-needed help of Imogen- and like, a truckload of popcorn… And some random Italian drink that looked like puke, because that’s all they had… Just kidding. We got Coca-Cola, bubble gum and Raspberry Fanta flavoured slushies. *big smile* We walked into the movie right on time – the last advert was coming to a close. We ran to all the rows right at the front, and we pretty much spread out throughout them. Justin and I were in the front row, Kenny, in true bodyguard fashion, sat next to Justin, and on Kenny’s right – Scooter, who sat next to him to avoid being practically lonered in a group of teens. Imogen and Christian sat directly being Justin and I –big mistake-, Chaz and Khloe directly behind them, and Emily and Ryan sat behind them, but like, three seats over to the right. Good choice. All Christian and Imogen were probably gonna see was Justin and I making out. (Truth be told.) Especially considering they were like, heaps shorter than us… *evil laugh* Justin slid off his Ray Bans and I followed suit, now able to see the opening scene start up... The lights dimmed completely and I leant over and kissed Justin on the mouth, surprising him and making Christogen (Imogen and Christian) groan and move over to the left a few seats. I giggled and Justin leant into the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist as his soft lips moved with mine. Without further hesitation, I slid my tongue into his mouth. Yummy…


I was focused on the opening few seconds of the movie, until I saw Melani practically attack Justin the moment the lights dimmed, in the corner of my eye. What a great idea… I turned to Chaz, and he looked at me at the exact same time, obviously with the exact same idea engraved into his head. BOO-YEAH! We both leant in at the same time, our lips meeting in the middle. He licked my lips within seconds, so opened my mouth slightly, without even having to think about it. Daily routine, biatches! *wink, wink* We made out for what felt like seconds, but when we pulled apart for a breather, the movie was already started. Properly, anyway.




Who LOVES the video in the sidebar?! I DO!


I CAN SAY BUTTERFLY IN GERMAN! (But unsure about the spelling:)



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