29) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber

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"Fargert the wall and come kwiss me, Khloe!" Chaz gestured for her to come with his hands. He was still lying on his back on the floor. What?! It was comfy!

"I accept that offerer!" She perked up and skipped over to behind the couch where he was lying. She got on top of him, using her elbows to support her weight. Which wasn't very much, by. The. Way. *hmph*. she leant down and kissed him, and it quickly turned into another make out session. Chaz rolled over so that he was on top of Khloe.

"OI! No underage sex! ESPECIALLY in PUBLIC!" Melani yelled from across the room.

"You can tawlk! Justin's gotcha pinned urp against deh wall!" Khloe laughed, and went back to making out with Chaz.

"What-EVER!" Melani rolled her eyes and went back to making out with her own boyfriend.

"I feel outta place. Let's make out." Ryan looked over to Emily, who was now sitting next to him on the couch.

"Yes pa-lease!" Emily immediately scooted over and started making out with Ryan.

Em looked around the room and sculler what was left of her Red Bull.

"I NEED a boyfriend..."


‘Pray’ started sounding from Justin’s phone, and he pulled away. He smiled apologetically and pulled the phone to his ear.


“Justin? Are you okay? You sound weird...” a woman’s voice sounded from the phone.

“He had a few Red bulls.” Melani said, leaning forward so she was near the microphone.

“JUSTIN! How many did you have! You know what I told you about them!”

“Sooorryy Mommy....” He looked down at his feet. Pattie sighed.

“It’s okay, sweetie. I just wanted to check that you checked in alright and your concert went well. Are you back at your hotel now? Have any fans been bothering y-”

“MOM! Yes, we checked in fine. Yeah, my concert was awesome, as always. No, we’re not back at the hotel yet, and I have Kenny, ‘member? ...And worst of all, the Red bull’s wearing off. Bummer....” Justin trailed.

“You’re not back at the hotel yet?! It’s MIDNIGHT! Where are Scooter and Kenny?!” Pattie shrieked, and Justin looked over his shoulder at Kenny and Scooter. They were laughing uncontrollably and poking a wall.

“...Uhhhhmmm.... They’re loading the... bus...?”

“Justin...” Pattie said disapprovingly.

“Gotta go, mom!” Justin pushed and Pattie sighed.

“Goodbye, Justin... Drive safely!”

“Bye, mom!” He hung up and looked at Melani. “Looks like I’ll be driving us back to the hotel.” He nudged his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of Kenny and Scooter. Melani laughed.

“SHOTGUN!” She screamed and the whole room became silent.

“What time is it...?” Khloe groaned.

“Midnight.” Justin began to walk out, and Melani followed.

“C’mon guys!” Melani called out, walking backwards until she reached the doorway. Everyone got up and chatter filled the air. As soon as Melani stepped outside she felt a chill. Why, oh why did she wear the same tank top as she did in the morning?!

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now