13) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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AN: Im up to 13 already? Aww... I guess its a good thing I'll be putting a Season 2 up when I finish this season...:) who loves me?

Btw, I know it doesnt take that long to get to Jakarta from Perth, and the time-zones aren't THAT different, but we'll just have to pretend that when they arrive, it's nighttime ;)


Imogen looked over at Christian, who was sitting next to Melani and Emily, as he spaced out.

(AN: Imma put in a pic of the seating this time instead of explaining it)

Christian was completely clueless, and had no idea why Imogen jumped at the chance to sit far away from him. Suddenly his face lit up with realization; like someone had flipped a switch. Imogen turned away quickly and frowned heartbrokenly at the screen on the seat in front of her. The Simpsons was playing, but she couldn't care less at the moment. She looked around, and noticed Melani and Justin smiling at each other. Christian used to smile at HER like that, but now? It was all fake.



"I think... I love you, Im..." Christian whispered, and gently pulled Imogen's chin upwards so he could look into her -SHIIINYYY- eyes.

(AN: LMAO! I love Christian, he's HILARIOUS! ---> Check out his YouTube channel ---> 'Christianbeadles')

"Promise you won't break my heart?"

"Of course, Imogen, I'll never break your heart. I promise." Christian smiled.

"Then I love you too, Christian..." Imogen smiled back and kissed him.



Lies, lies, lies. He PROMISED.

...and he'll pay for breaking that promise. Bring it on, Beadles.



Everyone got their own rooms this time, since they knew exactly how many to book. 'It'll be that much easier to prank Christian' Imogen thought, 'SCORE!' She smiled widely as she finished unpacking. She walked over to the fridge and chose her weapon(s). Whipped cream, Peanut butter, spagetti and tomato ketchup. Imogen loved Jakarta.



Christian grabbed his chips and his chocolate bar from the snack machine and made his way back to his room. He swore he could smell spagetti as he was opening his door. Instead of turning the knob, his hand slid off-there was some slippery stuff on it. He pulled his hand back to she his hand was covered in blood. He gasped and jumped back, then realized it was ketchup. Someone just pranked him.

"Very funny, guys..." He furrowed his eyebrows and pushed the door open without walking in yet, in case there was some sort of door-activated prank or whatever. Nothing. He walked inside and put his food on the nearest table. He was too tired to eat right now, so he forced some pajamas on and jumped into his bed. He felt some gooey stuff on his feet, and a few hard crystal-like things.

"SPIDER BABIES!" He yelled, leaping out of his bed.

Imogen laughed evilly and pulled the doona over herself. Sweet success...

There was an abrupt knocking at the door.

"Imogen. Open the door." Christian called out. SHIT. he knows she did it! She walked over to the door and opened it to see Christian in batman pajamas and with ketchup on his right hand and peanut butter on his feet.

"Yeahhhh...." Imogen hesitated

"I don't care if you're angry with me or not, I'm sleeping in your bed. With OR without you; my bed is free. And filled with peanut butter. I'm gonna get whoever did that back, by the way. Did anyone tell you they were gonna be prankin' me?" Thank the lord, he had no clue.

"Nop. Sorry."

"it's cool." He pushed past Imogen and walked to her -double- bed, jumping under the covers. How rude!

"Ugh! Whatever, dude." she lay on the floor, facing the opposite direction of Christian. She heard quiet footsteps on the carpet and Christian picked her up.

"Oh my god DUDE, WHAT THE HELL?!"

"I'm NOT letting you sleep on the floor, Im..."

"Do NOT call me Im... And since when do YOU care?" Imogen snapped, and Christian flinched.

"Ouch..." he walked her over to the bed and put her on the left side.

"Why are you so mad with me? I thought you loved me..." Christian asked, and pulled an almost-irresistible pouty-face.

"Cause I thought you loved me."

"What?! I DO love you! You know what? Never mind! I'm out!" Christian stormed out of the room. What was he out of? The room? The relationship?

Guys are so confusing...


AN: I just realized how long this one is compared to the others... ;) I guess I write longer chapters when people are pranking each other... Bahahaha! Anyone got any prank ideas? Pweeeaaassse vote....? I'll send you a virtual hug....? *pulls adorable Christian pouty-face*

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