36) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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"Hey, Melly! Let's look in there - I need a new pair of purple Supras... OH MY GOD, we can like, wear them at the same time and we'll be, like, MATCHING!" Justin's eyes practically popped out of his face and Melani laughed uncontrollably.

"You're acting like Regina friggen George, Justin." She giggled.

"That's the chick from 'Mean girls', right?"

"Uh... Yeah..." Melani eyed him weirdly.

"Um, Uh... Jazzy made me watch it." Justin avoided eye contact and he pulled Melani into the shoe store, trying to change the subject. Melani chuckled.

"Whatever, smexi boy." Melani rolled her eyes and Justin came to a stop, looking at Melani with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, so I'm smexi, am I?" He turned around completely and Melani rolled her eyes again.

"You've always been smexi, Bieber. And you know it." She winked at him and he blushed lightly.

"Tanks Melly... You're pretty smexi yourself." He winked back and continued pulling Melani into the store.



"Now we're gon' look smexi together, babeh!" Justin exclaimed a little too loudly as he and Melani began weaving their way out of the shoe store.

"HEY!," Melani slapped him on the shoulder, "We already ARE looking smexi together!"

"True, true..." Justin winked at Melani over his shoulder and they finally made it out of the shoe store. "...Wanna grab lunch?"

"Sure..." Melani looked at Justin sarcastically. "...Do YOU speak Italian, smexi boy?"

"No," Justin's shoulders slumped, "But smexi boy is beginning to likey his nickname..." He winked at Melani.

"We seem to be winking a lot today, ay, smexi boy?" Melani winked at Justin again and laughed.

"Yerp. Smexi boy officially likey his nickname." Justin grinned widely.

"Should I be worried now that you're referring to yourself in third person?" Melani raised an eyebrow.

"Probably." Justin grinned again, taking Melani by the hand and beginning to walk through the shopping centre like before. Eventually, they stumbled across the food court and Justin's stomach rumbled loudly as he spied Mc Donald's.

"Mmkay, how're we gonna do thi- Oh, I know!" Melani smiled and cupped her hands around her mouth, making her voice louder. "DOES ANYONE HERE SPEAK ENGLISH?!" Practically half the shopping centre became silent and stared at Melani. Justin's jaw was on the ground and his eyes felt ready to follow. He was almost thankful both he and Melani were wearing sunglasses.

"I freaking love you, Melani Starke." Justin shook his head slowly. That chick had balls. ...Not literally, of course.

"I love you too, Justin." Melani winked at him. He could only JUST see her eyes through the glasses. One guy raised his hand slowly, blushing like a tomato.

"I-I d-do..." His voice was coated in a thick Italian accent. He looked about 18, and he was as skinny as a stick. He was wearing rectangle glasses and had a thick book in the hand that wasn't raised. Melani smiled and confidently strutted up to the guy, seeming unaware of the curious eyes of practically half the world. Justin's eyes trailed to her butt. Smexi boy likey what he see... Oopsies! Melly noticed! Look away! Look away! ...now, act like nothing happened. Nothing happened, Melani, what ever are you talking about?!

'I'm going insane...' Justin thought as Melani rolled her eyes and attempted to get some lunch for them both. With the assistance of the skinny, lanky, nerdy dude.


Melani and Justin walked into their hotel room and Justin dropped his rental-car car keys and the hotel key-card on a random endtable.

"Thanks for today, Justin, I had the neatest time..." Melani smiled and hugged Justin from behind. Justin turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. He rested his hands on Melani's waist and smirked at her.


"I... Felt like saying it..." Melani shrugged. "But seriously, thank you..."

"That's okay, Mels... Anything for you..." Justin kissed Melani, and she kissed back.

"Okay, but seriously. Quit buying me all this stuff. I feel bad." She pulled away suddenly and frowned at him.

"You SHOULDN'T! I like buying stuff for you... You're my shawty." Justin leant in and kissed Melani again, only this time the kiss was uninterrupted.



I'm thinking of learning guitar... Imma get my mum to buy me a guitar and then I could take lessons... Off YouTube... BWAHAHA... But, for reals. My friend, Rach, learnt 'Butterfly fly away' by Miley Cyrus. And an epic Shortstack song. Off of YouTube. ...ESHAYS, MUCH?! :*D

Has anyone visited Australia? Does anyone live in Australia? Other than Khloe and Jamie, of course... (My friends from school who have Wattpad accounts and support me a HEAP by reading this... Thanks, guys!) Comment! ...I know of one CHICKAAAA who lives in Aussie apart from them^^^... @Cooler_music ;)

SHOUTIE TO @SPITTING_UNICORNS. Dude, not only do you have an EPIC username, but you've commented like, a BILLION times on this story. THANK YOU A MILLION... AND TWO! :D

To you other EPIC people who comment heaps... I SEE YOU. o.0

...LMAO, but seriously.


(NO STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM AND... Yummmmmiiieeee....:3)

PS: Is there any songs that you don't like unless you're listening to it through high-quality earphones? There is for me. I'm listening to 'The time (Dirty bit)' by the Black Eyed Peas, and I thought I was tired of it... But, actually, I'm tired of it on the RADIO. it doesn't sound that great unless you have some Billion-dollar sound system. With earphones it sounds AWESOME cause you can hear every. Little. Bit. ...ESHAYS. I could TOTALLY imagine Justin Bieber jerking to this... ;) ...So. Is there a song like that (^^^) for you? Comment...? :3 xx

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