52) My best friends fell in love with your bestfriends...

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I looked towards the door, only to see it just a smidgeon open, as if my knocking on it had opened it. My head snapped to Justin’s worried facial expression and back to the door. My heart began beating quicker; it was like we were in the middle of a scary movie, and I didn’t know whether to grab a knife, a machine gun, investigate, or run like heck, screaming at the top of my lungs. I actually didn’t want to open the door in fear of what I’d see inside, but my hand moved up to the door almost automatically and pushed it open slowly and cautiously.

“Selena…?” I called out nervously.





I looked around inside Selena’s room, but there was no one around; Only a note left on the bed. My eyes widened as I ran up to it, and the first thought that came to my head was – Ransom note.

The note read:

“Dear Justin (and the gang),

I’ve gone back home. I can’t stand watching you and Melani together, Justin. I hate to admit it, but it’s true. If I’m anywhere near you two I’m just consumed with jealousy and frustration because frankly, I want you back. But I know I can’t have you, and I can’t stay. Yeah, I can see you’re in love. What I said to Melani was pretty harsh and I guess I’m sorry. I’m a different person when I’m jealous and/or over protective. I’ll be seeing you…


I was taken aback at first, but what she said was pretty nice.

“Wow.” Justin said from behind me. He had been reading the letter from over my shoulder.

“I know…”



I stood in the hallway with Scooter, Kenny, Chaz, Ryan and Christian. Most of the girls were pretty much in Emily’s room, chatting away, so we were all gathered around in the hall. But, Scooter and I were discussing my support act, now that Selena’s gone.

“I don’t know who-“ I started, but was interrupted when Khloe came out from the door next to me, her and Chaz’s hotel room door.

“Hey Chaz, Imma just have a shower, kay?” She called out.

“Mmkay, Khlo.” He replied, and she smiled and walked back into the room.

“Dude, she’s picking up your accent!” Christian laughed at Chaz.

“She is? …I hadn’t noticed… Well, Melani’s picking up on it from Justin, too, so… NYEH!” He retorted, and stuck his tongue out as he said ‘Nyeh’. I chuckled, but as I thought through what he said, I huffed.

“Huh. I didn’t know that. …Damn, her accent’s sexy.”

“Dude, you must talk too much…” Ryan teased.
“Dude, shut up!” I laughed.

“Dude, make me!” He laughed along. When we had finished laughing, Scooter turned away from the quiet convo he was having with Kenny and looked at me with seriousness.

“So, about the supporting act… Does anybody have any ideas, whatsoever?” He held up his hand with his phone in it and dropped it back down casually. I leant against the wall behind me and thought... We’ve had Dash & Will, Selena, Jasmine V… My thoughts were interrupted by a huge, loud creak from behind me that made the wall vibrate a bit. I jumped like, 2 feet in the air, but then recognised the sound as the shower starting up. Unfortunately, Ryan, Chaz, Christian and, well, everyone with me in the hallway saw my little freak out and was chuckling.

“Shut up.” I glared at the floor and went back to leaning against the wall when I heard a sound that made my eyes widen.



 bahahah, don't you love it when I do that to you? >:)

But... as for the seven-vote-goal on the last chapter...

Thanks guys! ..I mentioned it when I had six votes that I'd upload the MOMENT I saw seven votes on it, and within a few hours, I had eight.

Ugh, I love you guys... (Still no homo.) ;)


PS: One day, eventually, maybe, seven votes will be a freakishly small number for this story, but as I am uploading now, seven is a good number. :*)

PPS: GUESS WHAT?! I rweally love you guys! 20 VOTES ON CHAPTER ONE! WOOP, WOOP! (Still no homo, but I'm contemplating it... JOKES, JOKES!) (But still, ILY.) :*D

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now