7) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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"Careful Justin, you might get arrested here..." Melani looked up at Justin and he paled. "...Why?" "Cause your like a drug to me..." Melani winked at him and he chuckled, calming down. "That was so corny Mels... AND you literally had me scared out of my skin!" Melani laughed and elbowed him playfully.


Chaz turned in a circle repeatedly, looking at all the fast food stores in the food court. "Chaz. Quit it." Ryan grumbled, and Emily put her hand on Ryan's shoulder. "Let the weirdo be, Ryan..." She laughed and Ryan joined in, finally cracking a smile.

Melani leant up to whisper in Justin's ear, "Ryan isn't too optimistic, is he?" She giggled, and Justin frowned. "Not since his girlfriend left him for Chaz... They used to be really close. It's weird that Ryan's -kinda- going out with Emily... The girl that left him for Chaz; her name was Emily too. Maybe he's trying to replace her..." Melani's eyebrows pushed together. "...But Emily really likes him..." "I'm not saying it's true, its just... weird to me... I guess. But I don't blame Ryan for being so down about it, she was HOT." Justin realized what he said and gasped. "Uhh... But I know this other chick, and she's like, twelve times as hot." He smirked at Melani. "Nice save, Bieber." She chuckled. But she worried that Emily might get hurt. What if Ryan spilt his beans and she took it the wrong way? What if Justin was right? Emily wasn't usually one to let go of love straight away...

Chaz kept circling, ignoring Ryan. GOSH, he was annoying. He used to be cool. But now Chaz has to put up with him to be with his REAL friends. That SUCKS. Suddenly, two pale arms wrapped themselves around his waist and he jumped in shock. He heard a familiar giggle and he turned to see his beautiful blonde girlfriend. Emily.

Ryan's fists balled up as he saw the look in Emily's eyes when she saw Chaz. She used to look at him that way, too. Chaz doesn't even seem to know that Ryan's held a grudge against him; he broke the bro's code. Not. Cool.

Khloe felt taken aback when that random chick came up to Chaz. It must be his girlfriend, he's looking at her... like... she's the world. Why can't he look at her that way? Tears threatened to fall from her eyes and she looked down and tried to blink them back. She knew Chaz and her were only friends, and they'd only known each other for less than two days, but she really thought there'd be something more. She looked at the happy couple from under he eyelashes, but she averted her gaze when she saw they were kissing. She looked over at Ryan and noticed his jealousy. He must be in love with that chick... Maybe... no, he... Maybe Ryan will help her break Chaz and that girl up. She could have Chaz, and Ryan could have that chick. No biggie.


Everyone was walking in couples, and now that Emily was staying with the crew, Khloe was walking behind everyone. Alone. Silent. Not even the Emily she liked turned around. They were all too busy giggling and joking around with their new-found boyfriends. A couple of times, the new Emily flicked her hair so she could look at Khloe without her noticing; she felt bad that Khloe had no one. But Khloe noticed, and now she wasn't sure whether she liked Emily or not...

(AN: Emily Howilyn -the Emily going out (?) with Ryan- is going to be known as Emily H, kay? Xx)

They walked into the elevator and Khloe was the last to get in. Everyone was too busy chatting up their boyfriends/girlfriends to be bothered pressing the button, so the doors closed and Khloe awkwardly leant forward and pressed the button for their level. She looked down and concentrated on tuning her ears into Emily and Chaz's conversation.

(AN: yeah, it sounds stalkerish... mwhahaha lets just pretend its normal LMAO)

"Gosh, you're such a baby Justin, the elevator isn't THAT bad!" Melani laughed as Justin clung to her arm. Wrong convo. "Shouldn't we talk to her? She's, like, alone and stuff..." Khloe heard Emily whisper. Yep, right conversation. "Naw, if we talk to her I won't be able to do this..." Chaz whispered back, and Khloe could tell he kissed Emily. Again. Silent tears spilt over her face, and she wiped them away before anyone noticed. Too late; Ryan saw, and he knew why she was crying. Khloe would talk to him as soon as he got away from Emily H. Why did Chaz have to be such a jerk about it?! Khloe thought they were 'together', then now he's acting as if they're not even FRIENDS. Khloe promised herself she would ignore him as long as possible. She didn't want to be here anymore. The elevator doors finally opened and Khloe rushed out ahead of the others, following the numbers so she could find hers and Emily H's room as soon as possible. Oh, wait. Since the new Emily is staying with the crew, she has to sleep in Emily H and Khloe's room. (It had 3 beds). Shit. Khloe would never be able to avoid her and Chaz now. UGH.

(AN: The 'new' Emily is in Perth for a while, to visit her dad for a few weeks) :)

AUTHOR NOTE: I hope you's liked it! Thanks to everyone who voted, fanned, commented, whatever! Emily is based on @ilovveyoouh! Go and read her storiesss! (pwease?)

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