8) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber and....

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Ryan opened the door to see Emily H, Emily and Khloe sitting on their beds. The two Emily's were chatting away and Khloe was pretending to do something on her iPod touch. He walked past Emily H's bed and nodded his head in greeting. "Hey Emily." but walked straight past Emily's bed without even saying 'hello'. He could see her hurt expression in the corner of his eye.

(AN: am I the only one who keeps getting confused between the two Emily's? I think I'm gonna call the 'new' Emily 'Em' from now on...:/)(So Chaz's girlfriend; Em. Ryan's Girlfriend (Ooh, are they dating, or is Ryan too jealous... OH, THE DRAMA!) is 'Emily', Just making sure) ;)

Khloe looked up from her iPod to see Ryan standing at the end of her bed. "We gotta talk..." Khloe followed him out the door and shut it behind her.

Emily didn't even bother giving her the look because Khloe KNEW she liked Ryan, and she knew Khloe liked Chaz. "I still find it funny we have the same name..." Em laughed. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Funny" Emily smiled.

"So we're definietly going through with it, right?" Khloe asked Ryan. "Yep. I think it's the only way. I mean, it always works in the movies... Right?" "Right. So we'll 'Go public with it' tomorrow?" "Yes. I'll see you then Khlo." "Bye" Ryan and Khloe smiled at each other and Khloe walked back into the room, still smiling. "What was that about?" Em asked, looking up from her phone. "You'll find out tommorrow." Khloe smirked.

Maybe Emily should've given Khloe the look after all...


A rustling awakened Khloe. She opened her eyes and looked around. Em was packing her bag and frowning, while Chaz stood behind her. They hadn't noticed her so she slowly lowered herself down and listened to their conversation. "I'm sorry Chaz, but you know what happens when my dad doesn't get his way, and he wants me home. I have to go." "That..." His face scrunched up, "Place. It's not your home, Em. It's a prison, why does he want you there if he doesn't even talk to you?" Em stopped what she was doing and he face paled. Chaz couldn't see her scared expression. "Em?" She squeezed her eyes shut and kept packing. "Yeah, I don't know Chaz, okay? I don't really wanna talk about it." She bit her lip. "Not even to me?" He pulled his eyebrows together and frowned. He looked so cute when he frowned, his bottom lip pushes out slightly and his Brown eyes shine, even in the darkest light. It only took four days, but Khloe was in love with Chaz. But she didn't know it yet. "No, not even to you." Em finally answered Chaz. "Look Chaz, I think I need a little time to myself... Okay?" Chaz started to tear up. "But you're leaving! I wanna spend my last hours with you, WITH you. Is that such a problem?" Em stopped again and closed her eyes. 'Break-up, break-up, break-up' Khloe's mind chanted. But her heart told her to pretend to wake up now, and stop them from fighting. And prevent a possible break-up.

She yawned loudly and stretched her arms out. "What's up... *yawn* ...with you guys?" She looked over at them with a tired look. "...You're leaving Em? ...You just got here..." Khloe frowned. Was it the best choice to stop them fighting? She could've had Chaz to herself if they had of broken up... It may have been the wrong choice, but at least it was the un-selfish one. Khloe didn't want something like that on her concience.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now